Student Muscle (M) 📚💪

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Name: The boy looked at you and rubbed his glasses on his shirt. "Oh, hey. What? I'm Herschel... you need somethin'?"

(Herschel Dhesmond)

Age: "Um, okay. You... want my age?" He had white hair, but it was clearly just dyed. Besides, his skin didn't have any wrinkles of age.


Gender + Species: "I'm a guy... I'm a-a human... you know, these questions are kind of throwing me off."

Height: "Six feet on the dot? Yeah, I think that's what my height is the last time I checked."

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Herschel has naturally spiky brown hair and green eyes; however, he dyed his hair white. He possesses a muscular build. The young man wears square-framed glasses and a black hoodie with the words "BLIND BAT" on the front. Accompanying this is a plain pair of denim jeans and some beaten-up grey sneakers.

Resemblance: (Can't find one for now)

Personality: Herschel is a fairly reserved individual who might appear quite apathetic towards others at first, but that is simply because he is rather calm and introverted. However, he is secretly an imaginative individual who enjoys action. Herschel is sort of a "doer"; if he wants something, he's willing to take the necessary steps to get that.

Likes: Helping others maintain a healthy lifestyle, working out, learning about biology, football, relatively "light" food

Dislikes: People who don't want to get in shape, those who criticize his "doer" attitude, economics classes, knitting or other slow-paced activities, oily or "heavy" foods

Power(s): None

Occupation: Medical Pathology Student at the University of Antarctica

Backstory: With middle-class immigrant parents from Great Britain coming over to NAIA, Herschel was born into a neighbourhood under the Zone B area. His interests in the medical field first came from his mother's work as a doctor in the National Hospital of Antarctica. This interest in medicine was only furthered by the arrival of a mysterious virus to NAIA when Herschel was a pre-teen, his friend's father passing away due to the pathogen. Herschel decided to focus on medical pathology as a profession in order to keep others healthy—especially those who he cares for. However, his pursuit of such a job led to him being quite the bookworm in his teenage years, and that earned him a lot of teasing. Such teasing was often focused on Herschel's then-flimsy build; that was when Herschel then began to pick up bodybuilding. He wanted to prove his high school bullies that they would be ultimately wrong about him. And so he did. Going into the University of Antarctica, he has maintained his workout habits while diligently studying his medical books. His recent struggles have been with a dependency that he developed on a muscle-building substance, a product known as T-Platonin. He has tried to keep this dependency a secret, but it's getting more difficult to do so.

Other: In addition to helping users build muscles, T-Platonin can temporarily make a person more irritable and hot-headed. Excessive usage of T-Platonin over time will magnify these effects and make these characteristics a part of a person's personality, potentially resulting in violent outbursts and uncontrolled rage.

Scenario 1:

You were Herschel's workout partner and a classmate of his at the University of Antarctica. He seemed to be a decent guy when you first met him, and that was how you decided to start working out together and just hanging out in general. Now, it was in the middle of the school year. You started to notice that Herschel was getting a bit less reserved when it came to any internal anger. He was... changing, to say the least. Deciding to visit his dormitory for whatsoever reason, the man opened it up to you with a curt smile before heading over to his desk. He was aggressively stirring his paper bowl of instant ramen as if he had recently been spited or disturbed in some way.


Scenario 2:

Your friend at the university somehow convinced you to attend a rave party happening at one abandoned area of Zone C. Upon arriving there, many (low) expectations were met; there were cheap speakers, a bunch of perhaps semi-crazy adolescents, and a few questionable people slithering around the place. The party was held at an unfinished construction site, and all of the scattered brick walls provided little insulation from the pounding electronic music that was playing. While you were exploring your surroundings, you saw a boy who seemed rather drawn away from everyone else. He was sitting on a pile of bricks and looking down at his phone, swiping his fingers on it as if there were no party going on.


Scenario 3:

Make it up!

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