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Sadies pov~
It's was about 6:45am when my first alarm went off, I was going to lie in for a extra 30 minutes when I realised Chase was picking me up so I have to look at least decent.
I threw on this outfit (photo above) after a few attempts at other ones then put on some light makeup. This consisted of foundation, concealer, powder and mascara. I usually don't wear a lot of makeup anyway, my mom has always said I have a natural beauty but I guess she has to say that she's my mom fgs. I walk down stairs realising I have about 25 minutes before Chase picks me up so I route through all the cupboards looking for a granola bar, seen as though I don't know where anything is my mom shouts from the living room " They're in the cupboard above the stove to the right honey" I quickly grab one and throwing a extra one in my bag for school as-well, i shouted back, "Thanks mom!"
"I'm heading to work now, need a ride to school flower?" My mum asks me sweetly.
"It's okay mom, Chase is giving me a lift..." saying this sounds weird, I don't know why it's just un normal for me to have a close bond with a guy as hot as him...
"See you at 10pm honey, have a good day!" She shouts back followed by a slamming of the door. It was now 7:55 but I realised I forgot my cheer kit in the boxes upstairs so I quickly sprinted up stairs routing through all my unpacked things to find my outfit for try outs. I heard a opening of my front door assuming it was my mum who had forgot her keys so I just ignoring it. I quickly realised it was chase as he stood before me in aw as he saw me holding up my chear kit...
"Wow that skirt is hot, didn't know you was into chear Miss Montanaro? But with a body like that I'm not surprised..." he said smirking looking up at me. "Shut it Hudson, it's bad enough I have to try out in-front of the football team as it is, I don't need you chirping in, dick" I say shoving my clothes into my backpack.
"Well that's good for me, seen as though I'm captain of the team"
"Eughhh even worse, anyway we need to go it's 8:03 dipshit. I can't miss my first day" I reply shadily
"Sorry Montanaro, I've got you a Starbucks in the car for you anyway let's go... baby girl..." he whispered the last part not expecting me to hear seen as though I was already walking out but I did, I wasn't mad about it though...

**skip car journey, all we did was listen to 'Rex Orange County' sing 'Courdoroy dreams' on repeat the whole journey**

As we pulled up outside the huge school, I was so nervous! I think Chase saw my nervousness and clutched my hand "don't worry about it Montanaro you'll be fine, this is just like every other high school" He said as we walked through the school entrance.
I'm glad my mum picked up my timetable before school for me so I didn't have the trouble of doing it myself and embarrassing myself in front of my new principle. Chase led me to the table in the corner of the cafeteria with all his friends sat on it. Waking through that cafeteria was like a minefield everyone was staring at me like I was fresh meat and most of the girls giving me the side eye and brushing me off. When we got to his table everyone from his table stared "Chase is this girl you've been talking about none stop all week?" A rather cute boy said quite loudly making me blush a bit.
"Shut-up jackass, this is Sadie everyone she's new here and all mine so hands off... joking! Joking!" Everyone laughed and I sat down next to chase. I slightly flinched when chase put his hand on my thigh and gave me a cute side smile reassuring me, I'm not going to lie this made me like him even more. "Anyway Sadie this is Elmo O'dwyer and Hannah, they're a thing we think anyway" Everyone sighed and gave a laugh. "Shut yo bitch ass up" Elmo said jokingly showing him a broken hearted signal with his hands. "Anyway there's also Ian Charles and Loren Gray there at the end, there actually a thing" "Last but not least that's Anthony Reeves and Dray Keef in-front of you. There hoes so are you surprised there single?" Again Chase put everybody in hysterics even me...
For the remaining period before 1st period we all just shared our pasts and jokes. I got on with these people so well I actually found out that Loren's on the cheer team already so all the team will be watching my tryout including The football team which was Chase (he was the captain)Dray, Elmo and Anthony so I really need to ace this tryout, pull out all my best tricks and give a good first impression!

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