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Sadie's pov~
I was half way through my routine doing my tumbles and back handsprings, and yes at the beginning when I blew a kiss I aimed it a Chase. He looked shocked at first but clapped straight after, and throughout the performance the atmosphere was amazing everyone was on their feet clapping and shouting my name. Especially Chase constantly shouting "that's my girl!" Obviously I wasn't but I wouldn't mind if I was🤷🏼‍♀️
I finished in my final position freezing whilst everyone clapped. All of a Sudden Chase, Anthony, Dray and Elmo ran onto the stage and picked me as if I was sat on a throne as they chanted my name, the other boys let go as Chase pulled me to his chest and gave me a huge, warm hug. "Well done gorgeous, you were... amazing"  Chase whispered in my ear as Loren and all the other cheer squad girls ran to me and gave me another huge hug. Coach pulled me out of the group with his hands on my shoulders "Sadie that Was Outstanding! I'm sure everyone here would agree that they wanted you on the team, right everyone?" Everyone cheered so I looked at chase and he boosted his arms in front of him winking and clapping loudly "Also we don't have a captain on the team either currently so... Would you like to be captain?" As Coach said all I could think of was how excited i was, this is so amazing only on my second day of Being in LA have I met the most amazing boy and friends ever and became cheer captain! "Answer the man!" Chase said running up behind me "erm Yes of course thank you!" I'm practically shouted to Coach. I looked straight a Chase and gave him another hug. It's bad how right this felt...
Chases POV~
"Now both teams, go back inside and grab your stuff I'll give you and early finish" Coach said. I grabbed Sadie before she ran of in that sexy outfit "I'll wait outside your locker room for you, well go for a ride"I say giving her a cheeky grin "You not coming in this time?" She giggled, that giggle of hers makes me feel some type of way. "Tempting..." I say quickly before slinging her over shoulder and carrying her inside.
I put her back on the floor as we go through the  door into the corridor, she put her hands on my chest and looked up at me with a sparkle in her eye "I'll be quick..." she says before running into the locker room to grab her stuff. I leaned against the wall waiting for Sadie as Anthony, Elmo and Dray walked past "you've scored yourself one hot girl Hudson" Anthony says whilst we do our 'handshake' "She's something else" I say as they carry on down the corridor shouting mine and Sadie's 'ship name' (Chadie)
Sadies pov~
I race out the locker rooms still in my cheer dress, only to see the sex god himself leaned against the wall waiting for me. I carry on walking forward as I see him starring at my but still leaning on the wall "Are you coming then?" I ask eagerly reaching out my hand for him to grab.
"Admiring the view" he said cheekily not taking his eyes of my but.
I walk back grabbing his hand pulling him along ruining his sight seeing event. " really what's the fun it that?" He said pretending to sound sad giving me puppy dog eyes. He threw his arm around my shoulder looking down at me giving me a big cheesy smile. We walked down the corridor, out of school and into his car just laughing, flirting and joking along. I was slowly falling in love with Chase Hudson... fuck...

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