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**skip to Chases football match**
Sadies pov~
I sat on the bleachers next to the massive football field and waited for Chase to run out with his team. After telling Chase about the whole situation with Brandon, I feel asif a weight was lifted from my shoulders, I'm so glad I can trust him with anything and everything. That's why I love him so damn much...
I didn't see Brandon at all throughout the school day, and thank god because if I did see him I knew I would break down again, but I'm going to have to be strong and deal with him like an adult. I pulled my phone out of my bag, receiving a text from Chase...
ChaseH😍🤤- come to the bottom of the bleachers bby grl ;)
I slowly edge my way to the bottom of the bleachers, nervous to what he wants...
All his team run out with Elmo, Anthony, Ian and Dray running behind me and covering my eyes with their hands.
"Guys wtf, what's happening?" I say nervously giggling
"Just... just wait you little... midget" Anthony says, always bullying me because I'm so much smaller than him, Chase and all the other boys.
They slowly uncover my eyes to Chase stood in front of me with a huge bunch of flowers and a small golden jewellery box.
"Chase... this is amazing, you shouldn't have..." I say blushing at his extremely cute gifts.
"Anything for you Beautiful, your so brave and deserve the world and more!" He slowly opened the jewellery box to show a beautiful rose gold necklace saying 'Chase' on it! It was stunning...
"Chase, it's... it's beautiful"
"Well here's my first name until you can have my last, I can't wait To spend forever with you..."
He handed me my flowers, and put my necklace on for me... he really is a true gentleman! I put the flowers down next to me and faces towards Chase. He quickly snaked both is hands around my waist and pulled our bodies together. We were now mere inches apart... I connected our lips into a passionate kiss before realising we had an audience... very awkward if you ask me😬
"Come on Hudson you've got a game to play! I'm sure your girlfriend will still be here when your done!" Chases coach shouted over to us, he winked and jogged over into the middle of the field with his team and began the game.
I grabbed my flowers and went to go sit with my bag again in the bleachers,and watched Chase play his game. The way you could see his muscles through his t-shirt and his biceps was an amazing view, and I was so lucky to have this boy in my life...
"Sadie?" I hear from next to me, it also made me jump not realising it was... fucking Brandon!
"Brandon I swear to god, get away from me before I freak out!" I say edging away from him slightly
"Come on Sadie, why don't we pick things up from where we left off? Look at you now... your way hotter... wait whose Chase? Did he give you these?" He says looking at the necklace and flowers
"Brandon... leave me alone! Your a sick freak, I have nothing to say to you!" I say standing up grabbing my bag
As I stood up he took my bag out of my hands grabbing my wrists...
"Please Sadie I'm sorry! Just listen to me!" I try and pull my self away from him but he just wouldn't let go...
Chases pov~
The whole teams playing really good, and I could feel Sadie's eyes following me. A slight grin escapes my mouth until I see Brandon sat next to her through the corner of my eye... the anger that built up inside of me seeing him there is unexplainable. Who the fuck does he think he is?!
I decide to ignore it and try focus on the game, until I see her stand up and him grab her wrists like he owns her... she began to shout and that was the point where I couldn't hold my anger in any longer.
I sprint of the field leaving everybody confused and sprint up the bleachers.
"Yo Chase wtf dude where you going?" I hear Dray shout up to me, I just ignored... I needed to get to Sadie. I got where Sadie was sitting, and she could see the anger in my eyes... Brandon let go as soon as he saw me going for him.
"Chase no! Don't do this!" I hear Sadie yell, but I can't ignore what he did, he placed hands on my girl!
My fist plunged into Brandon's face with as much force as I could. He landed on the floor and I kept hitting him, everything around me became blurry and he only thing I could focus on was Hitting Brandon...
After many solid punches to Brandon's face I felt Elmo's arms wrap around mine pulling me away from Brandon. "Chase stop! He's not worth it man!" Elmo says holding me back whilst Brandon slowly jogged away covering his forming black eye. I turn around to see Sadie behind me facing away, with Anthony blocking her vision of me when I was hitting Brandon...
It kills me inside to hear and see Sadie crying, but see the bruises that were from HIS hands on her wrists made me more upset.
"Sadie... please look at me?" I say quietly behind her
She turns around and wraps herself within my chest, with my arms holding her in close to my body. I could feel her tears run down my football shirt as she weeped quietly keeping us close together.
I would seriously do anything for this girl, her being safe is my main priority...

Thankyou for reading guys! Also look at my display name and if you understand where it's come from comment and the first comment or will get a shoutout and a follow!🤩

Fallen (completed) | Chase HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now