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Chases pov~
My alarm went of at 6:30am for school... ugh.
Sadie's head placed delicately on my bare chest, and her hand on the top of my grey sweatpants feeling my 'somewhat abs'. I peered over her, her still perfectly asleep looking so innocent and.. gorgeous. I wanted her to wake up in a nice way so my lips connected to her soft neck a few times before I heard a slight moan escape her lips.
"Morning baby girl" I say placing my hand on her face connecting our lips.
"Morning handsome... don't stop...I'm happy for you to keep going..." she says looking up at me and grinning.
"Trust me I would love to but we've got school in like an hour and a half... and I've got a football game"
"Well seen as though I can't do cheerleading for another week because of my operation, I'd love to still come and watch!" She said so excited
"That'd be amazing baby girl!" I say slipping my self from underneath her and routing through my clothes draw. I grabbed some light wash jeans, black champion hoodie and my favourite chains. I turned around as Sadie stood up to see her tight shirt gripping to her flawless curves and her white underwear leaving her but open for me to look at...
"Enjoying your view?" She says giggling and reaching down for her bag of clothes.
"Yes... how can I not look at you? Your gorgeous..."
**skip to walking into school**
Sadies pov~
As I walk into the cafeteria, with chases arm around my waste I see the guys and walk straight over to them giving Most of them a hug. We sat down and talked about a lot and they all asked how I was, and if I'm okay. We had a extra 45 minutes before class so we just sat talked for awhile. All of a sudden the cafeteria goes quiet and everyone looks towards the entrance... seen as though are table was at the back of the room I didn't see what it was at first until most girls in the rooms eyes were glued to that direction. The crowd cleared and a tall, blondish boy stood in the middle...

**Joseph Ansara playing the character of Brandon Mellwood**Fuck

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**Joseph Ansara playing the character of Brandon Mellwood**
Fuck... this can't be happening right now... I was finally happy for once...
His eyes connected to mine, forming a mischievous grin on his face... I can't handle this right now...
I grabbed my bag and quickly ran to out of the cafeteria to the closet room which was the girls locker room. I dropped my bag and slowly let my back drag down the lockers... I couldn't hold it in any more, my eyes filled up with acidic tears and they fountained down my face. Why... why do bad things always happen to me? Can I just be happy for once?
After a few minutes I sat up on the bench and checked my phone, as a few tear drops landed on my screen. I quickly wiped them off and answered chases many messages.
'23 unread messages from "ChaseH😍🤤'"
ChaseH😍🤤- Sadie answer the phone! Please...
ChaseH😍🤤- Where are you?! What's happened?
ChaseH😍🤤-Have I done something? Please talk to me baby girl? I know you've seen these messages... please answer me...
Me- I'm sorry I ran off... come to the girls locker room I'll explain everything. But please come alone...
After a mere few seconds I hear Chase burst through the door and his eyes lock onto mine... he ran up to me and locked his arms around me as I lay my head on his shoulder releasing a few pathetic whimpers. After a few minutes he pulls away and wipes my tears from my pale cheeks.
"Please tell me what's wrong... I just want to make you feel better baby girl"
"Okay... did you see the new boy walk into the cafeteria?"
"Yeah, he came over and introduced himself whilst I was texting you?... he seemed really cool"
"No... please don't trust him!" I say placing my hand behind his neck
"You know before I moved here we went to the same school and dated for a-bit... he was my first ever serious boyfriend and..." I was saying before Chase cut me off
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I know this is clearly up setting you?!" He says reassuringly, placing a kiss on my fore head
"No I want to tell you, I want you to know I trust you"I say before carrying on
"We went to a party one night and he and his best friend Alex got very drunk... I tried to leave to go home... but Alex stopped me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to another room. I tried to pull away but he just wouldn't let me go..." this was very hard for me to tell him but... I love Chase and he needs to know...
"He pinned me down... and kept trying to kiss me. I kept screaming and trying to push him but the music was so loud no one could hear me. After a-bit he started taking my clothes off and taking of his own. Someone knocked on the door and slowly opened the door for me to realise it was Brandon... I thought he would of saved me and stopped Alex but he sat in the corner on the living chair and just watched him... him... rape me..." I lowered my head in shame realising more tears, as Chase lifted my chin up with his soft finger. He lifted my chin far enough so I was looking into his eyes and he was looking into mine... I saw his eyes were red and a few tears roll down his cheeks
"I'm so... so... so sorry that you had to go through that Sadie, I want you to know I would never ever do that to you! I will go out there and punch that cunt so hard..." he says as anger forms in his speech
"No Chase... Please don't! I love you so much for understanding me but... if you do that you'll only make things worse... please" I say placing a small loving kiss on his lips.
"Anything for you baby girl..."
after a few more minutes of talking we walk to our next lesson together, hand in hand. I live this boy so much... words can't even say...

Hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in awhile but here's a long chapter to make up for it! Leave your opinions on this chapter in the Comments...

Fallen (completed) | Chase HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now