02. Chaos of Change.

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  She hurries into the entrance of the bank, eager to find the niffler. She spots the suspicious talk man sitting next to the man who bumped into Tina. She breathes heavy while inching towards the pillar closest to the bench the men are sitting at, observing them.

  "What brings you here?" The no-maj asks the man with the peculiar suitcase.

  The man in blue, hunching over, his blue eyes race to find his Niffler. He grows restless.  Feet tapping.  Palm sweating.  Anxiety festures into his very core. "What if a muggle finds him before I do? What will happen to him if I don't get him back in time?" His eagerness dismisses the strange looks he's given.

  "Same as you..." The man in the coat replies without a thought.

  "You're here to get a loan to open a bakery?" He questions, shocked by the odds.

  " Yes. "

  "What are the odds of that? Well, may the best man win." He gestures his hand out to shake, but the brunette is gone, leaving a silver egg in his place.

  Esther's eyes grow wide, glistening at the sight. An occamy egg. The no-maj looks at it, glances at the rushing gentlemen, then back at the egg.

  "Hey, mister... Hey mister!" He calls out to the unbothered man. Esther picks up the egg.  The shell shimmers, reflecting the witches face.

  "Oh, excuse him. That's my cousin I can take it to him.  He's quite clumsy. " she lies lowering it into her satchel with great care. His drooping eyes stare back at her, wanting to believe her.

  "Mr.Kowalski, Mr.Bingley will see you now." The Secretary announces.

  He fumbles to his feet, adjusts his suit and follows the Secretary to his office. Once the no-maj is out of the witches sight, she sets off to follow the potential wizard. He stands in line for the teller.  His patience are running thin as he taps his foot. Upon further speculation, he's following his Niffler.  The creature swings from one bag to another's suitcase to get away.

  She's amused by silly creature. Coins clatter nearby and they trace the sound. The niffler notices he's being followed, so it scurries under a bench where a pug sits patiently.  The creature spots the shiny dog tag on its neck then stretches its arm to grab it. The man lunges belly first under the bench to grapple it.  His eyebrows furrow, barely missing him.  The Niffler scampers across the bank floor, desperate to escape the man once more.  She's on the man's tail, watching him peek through the security bars. Mirroring his gaze to see the Niffler swimming in money on a trolley a guard is pushing it into an elevator.

  Her hip hums from vibrations inside her bag.  Beans meows telling her what is bound to happen. The egg is hatching. 

  The Niffler is now inside the elevator as Mr.Kowalski comes into view once more.

  "Hey English guy, did you get your egg?" He asks from down the hall.

  The gentleman in blue's face twists in confusion. "Egg?"

  The elevator doors are closing. Conflicted, the man in the blue calculates his next move.

  A smooth wand comes out of his sleeve. He casts, "Accio."

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