18. Impulse.

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The magizoologists delve deeper into the tunnel leading through the main hall of the subway. They find the Obscurus, whose much calmer, huddled into a dark corner of the tracks. Before Newt pursues him, he squeezes Esther's hand before he lets go of it.  He gestures to a pillar which she hides behind, surveying their surroundings.  He steps closer behind another pillar.

  "Credence...  It's Credence, isn't it?," He starts, "I'm not here to harm you.  I'm here to help." He consoles the swirling mass.

  Footsteps are heard from the distance.  Esther grips her wand tightly, ready to attack.

  Newt moves from the pillar and on the tracks, moving at a snail's pace to not cause alarm. He concentrates on the mass, which in the center dissolves, revealing the outline of a terrified Credence.

  "I've met someone just like you, Credence. A girl.  A young girl who was imprisoned for her magic. She was locked away because they didn't understand her potential." He whispers for only Credence to hear.

  Credence listens to the man.  Only in his dreams did he think there was someone else out there like him. His gaseous form starts to dissipate, leaving his natural human form.  He's only a child, scared out of his wits from his own pain.

  Newt crouches on the tracks.  They share glances. Credence's eyes glisten with the hope of redemption.  

"Credence, may I come over?  Can I come closer?" He asks the boy.

  Newt inches forward before a beam of light strikes at him. He's thrown backward.

  Graves marches down the tunnel while Esther charges for him, blasting spells in his direction.

  Credence darts in the opposite direction from the spells that are focused near him.  Spells continue to smite against Newt.  He rolls out of the line of fire.  He tries to fight back with his spells, but they dismiss shortly after casting them.

  Credence races down the tracks abruptly stopping. A blinding light entrances him. A train.

  "Credence!" Esther shouts.  She flicks her wand in his direction, propelling him away from his demise.

  Graves stands on a platform glaring at his fellow officer.  He thrashes a spell at her. She deflects the blazing light. She'll die before he's able to get to Credence. She swings back, glitter shoots from her wand at him. Her efforts are almost useless. He continues blocking them, growing bored of the fight. He whips his wand.  Strong electrifying beams ripple from it to the ground trailing tens of feet of magic at her and Newt.  She's sent off her feet high into the air. The spell reaches Newt resulting in the same effect. Esther slams on her back to the ground, stunned by the impact.  Graves hovers over her with a scowl.

  "Women have no place in war." He hisses.

  Graves hunts for Newt to inflict more spells on him. In a whipping motion, he throws spell after spell at the wizard. He writhes in pain on the tracks, defenseless.

Rage Esther's never felt before consumes her, causing her to rise on her feet.  She grits her teeth, planning the unexpected.  Who does he think he is?

  "Crucio!" She shouts pointing her wand at the officer. 

  He will pay for harming someone she cares for.  Angry thoughts fill her mind.  Thoughts of suffering, no, torture to inflict the wizard with. She yearns for him to feel the worst pain possible. The light from her wand sparks morphing her spell to grow stronger.

  He stumbles to his knees and grits his teeth from the unforgivable curse. He tries to absorb the pain, refusing to back down. He struggles to stand as the spell continues to flow through him. He's much stronger than she imagined.

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