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Fear is felt. Anxiety is running wildly. Pieces lay on the ground, aftermath, as they say. Crashing and colliding bodies are seen, shouting and running, to protect things which means.

Peace is injured and about to die, love jumps in to save but all is lie.

Peace is injured and about to die, love jumps in to save but all is lie

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"Save your lives, there has been an attack." Somebody shouts.

Everything happens swiftly then. The shops are closed, people are running, children are crying, some are already safe at their hiding places while others are still confused.

"What is happening sister?" Coralia asks quickly, from a woman who is collecting the articles of her shop, with rapid movements.

"Piiirates, pirates have attacked us. Already raided the food shops, looting everything they can get their hands on." The woman answers not even sparing a glance at her interrogator.

"Pirates? How come.... There has never been...." Coralia starts with to query again.

"I don't know lady. Please now move aside before they come and kill both of us." The woman speaks furiously and ran, carrying her things in a small brown bag.

"Help me. Please somebody help." A cry of a woman, somewhere distant, is heard.

Dilemma is a God's trick. A scheme used by him to test you and your conscience. He provides you with two options- one easy and one difficult. But this is a facade. For the options are more perplexing than they seem.

The one which seems uncomplicated is capable of complicating your already complicated life and the other that looks complicated will certainly complicate even the uncomplicated, which are already less, things.

Thus complication is what that follows dilemma. And this complicated dilemma surrounds the innocent Coralia.

She could successfully run, cook food and listen to her granny's chatter, find a man, have kids and die, pretending that she never heard, saw or spoke anything unusual while regretting every day in her life. Regret but still LIVE.

But she chooses the second one.

Curiosity kills the cat and murders the foolish.

She knew that.

But she still chooses it.

Later in her life Coralia would convince herself that she went to help the poor woman in need of assistance and not to because of her selfish interest.

And fail easily.

But at that moment, when she hears the woman, whatever was the reason, she goes to help her.

A fat, furious man although his fingers were trembling, has held the hand of a young girl who is crying and shouting. There were also some other girls, scared and surprisingly very young, behind him.

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