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The stage is set, the characters are ready. A game is to be played, it's ploy slow and steady. Lies and deceit will roam openly, innocent sacrifices will be made selfishly. Blinded with greed, corrupted by power, All will destroy lives every hour.

Whispers and secrets all buried inside, the walls of the castle weep every night. Under a pose of Grace and a cloak of generosity, the cruel Royols wear the veil of polity.

 Under a pose of Grace and a cloak of generosity, the cruel Royols wear the veil of polity

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"Kneel on your knees and bow your Heads. His highness, Hazard Skal Vroton, the sixth ruler of the mighty Blood sae and the magnificent Animus realm, will now address this court." The guard announces in his heavy voice.

"You may all rise." Comes an authoritative voice and finally Coralia can raise her head to look at the powerful king about whom she was warned seriously.

The Vroton King, dressed in heavy gold from his neck to his toe, even his sandles made of gold, is wearing a white silk Loincloth and a Chiton, his head balancing his heavy and unique crown, a white turban with two gigantic horns on the either side, decorated with gems and jewels, a symbol of his control over the Animus realm.

His face is charmingly old, with gray hairs in his beard with wrinkles under his eyes. As he smiles, baring his teeth which were too coated with gold, every human in the court shudders, men with fear and women with desire.

'The man must also bath in gold.' Coralia thinks.

"Prince Alphanso I welcome you and your crew to the Kingdom of Vroton. I hope you had a comfortable stay so far?" The king questions in a modulating voice.

Casio comes forward and bows. "Greetings to the majesty. I thank his highness for receiving and allowing us to stay at palace and allowing us to enjoy his sweet and extravagant hospitality. Father wishes you a good health and a prosperous kingdom" He speaks, a little sarcastically but hiding it well under his appreciative tone.

"I wish the same prince. May Lyra flourishesin both health and wealth. But I have to thank you though for bringing my unfilial son back to where he belongs. He has developed an interest for wandering in far off places. Even a beggar would be able to run the kingdom greatly than him if he continues with his crazy behaviour. But now I will make sure that he never sets his foot outside this kingdom." the king speaks mockingly while pointing towards his son, insulting him before the court.

Coralia's eyes divert to Horizon, who is bearing his father's insult by tightly clenching his teeth. He has added a few jewels and a turban with a long horn on it, his crown, to his usual attire, making him more handsome and a perfect Royol.

"The visitors of Lyra are our guests.No effort should be spared to ensure their comfort and a safe stay here at the Vroton palace. Also in honour of our visitors I declare that the Fall festival shall begin tonight. Decorate the palace like a new bride, invite musicians and dancers, prepare magnificent feasts and let Lyra see the beauty of Vroton." The king announces happily which is supported by a loud cheer.

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