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The court is held, moon is the witness. Love is the crime, committed with dare. Souls are to meet, unknown and aware, for the first time. Stars are celebrating cheerful and gay, Passion is on duty as the bodies sway. Wind is the carrier of seduction and charm, joining the affair.

Beginning is to begin and so begins the beginner.

'The unknown' is the greatest fear of mankind

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'The unknown' is the greatest fear of mankind. Humans are humans because they have the power to know, to understand. But when this power becomes powerless, the abyss of despair is so deep that drowning in it becomes inevitable.

Coralia is in the vacuum of the unknown, surviving barely.

After opening her eyes in the dark, strange wooden cabin, terror and panic, are the only emotions which she feels. She recollects the invasion, the bargain and her abduction.

She is going to die, leaving a mad old woman, the only family she has, behind. How will her granny survive? Her poor hands and weak eyesight will not help her to earn and live.

The villagers, more than happy to abandon the eccentric old woman, will not even give her a proper burial.

The pirates have captured her. 'Rape' her mind screams or 'you will be sold' is the alternative. Her eyes are now wet and her body is trembling.

'You should have ran away'. Her conscience, for whom she did all this, betrays her by saying such.

A knock on the door is heard and sprints Coralia's courage.

Gathering the sheets around her, she takes metal jug, kept near her, and hides it under the cover.

'Don't die without fighting' her reputation remarks.

"I am coming in miss." The voice says.

"Please I beg you let me go. I have an old lady waiting for me at home. Take all the money I have, I will not utter a word about this, please, please let me go. I am too ugly, you will not get a penny in exchange of me................" Coralia and her banter is stopped mid-way.

"I have wronged you miss. Please accept my apology. We are respected merchants from the great Quilan kingdom. Our food and other supplies were over, money was finished, these reasons forced us to become pirates and loot the shops. Selling you or someone else was never or will be our motive. Kindly forgive me miss, for the fear and fright I provided you with." Elvis bows, a gesture of apology offered sincerely.

"Yyou are the pirate who took me. But why and the girls......" Coralia whispers still scared.

"Our servants and guards are suffering from an unknown disease. My master asked me to get a doctor for them. When I learned about your knowledge of medicine from my queries, I had no other alternative but to take you. When I was returning after raiding the food stall, the girl whom you saw wailing, ran and begged me to save her and the other girls since the fat man was determined to sell them as sex-slaves. I was merely helping them, when you saw us but my dress and demeanour must have given you a false impression. The situation was getting worse and time running out so I had to take you by force." Elvis explains to comfort the scared lady.

"Where are the girls?" Coralia asks much to Elvis's suprise.

"Here. They would be dropped safely at the nearest destination." Elvis replies politely.

A breath of relief is heard and a smile on the courtier's face is spread.

"My master wishes to meet you." Elvis declares.

Coralia shivers again. "Yyyour mmmaster?" she manages to question.

"Yes. My master. And he is a merchant not the pirate." Elvis reminds her, somehow finding the situation and the lady comical.

"Yes." Coralia consoles herself and her pounding heart.

"Please follow me miss and you can leave the jug. I assure you that your safety is our prime concern." Elvis speaks.

Embarrassed Coralia places the jug back on its place and stands, adjusting her clothes.

"This way miss." The courtier guides her.

"Coralia. Please call me Coralia." She introduces herself.

"And you shall call me Elvis." The courtier replies.

After passing through the wooden corridors, they halt on the front deck of the ship.

The night is chilly, which makes Coralia to shiver slightly. She involuntary rubs her arms in hope to find some warmth. Moon was shining with all his might making everything glorious.

She sees a man, holding the taffrail of the ship. His long hair was flying behind him. His aura radiated authority and sadness. He looked like an angel, his wings broken.

The man turned towards her and their eyes meet.

Something stops.

It is her heart. Coralia realises.

The man was too beautiful, like a mirage, an illusion, a dream but not real. His physic is impressive and lips charming, perfect mix of seduction for a young innocent girl. The man is walking towards her, but Coralia is transfixed.

She is already under a spell.

His spell.

In a moment she becomes his follower, his satellite.

The man's eyes are deep blue, shining beautifully, bringing the stars to shame. They are staring at her, staring through her.

 Her soul now has a new master.

"Elvis" the man speaks. His lips, a perfect cupid's bow, and words like arrows, strike through her poor heart.

The man is speaking 'but what' Coralia wonders as her mind is too captivated, too charmed. A warm cloth is placed upon her shoulders, successfully bringing back Coralia to the reality.

"You were shivering miss." The man attempts to justify his gesture.

'A considerate beautiful man.' Her conscience claims.

"Thankyou." Coralia whispers, gathering back her lost senses.

"I was informed about the pains that you have to go through because of my men and me. And I am sorry, for the troubles I have caused you are unjustifiable. But I sincerely hope that you will forgive my mistakes and help my men. For their situation is getting worse and they are in urgent need of aid." The man speaks, his voice smooth as silk.

All the anger, the resentment, the complains, she had were vanished. "I will for it is my duty." She whispers again, suddenly conscious about her rough, sharp voice.

"Thankyou very much. I will be grateful to you throughout my life." the man smiles.

And once again her heart stops.

"My name is Casio, Casio Dawn." The man says.

'Leave if you want to live.' Her soul remarks.

"I, I shall take your leave." Coralia speaks, unwilling but turn and begins to leave.

"You haven't told me your name miss." Casio tells her.

Her feet stops and lips speak themselves. "Coralia Sorceress."

"Cora." The man utters.

In that moment Coralia tasted desire, this time perishing thrice.

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