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Shadows and corners, they hide and live, souls and hearts, they destruct and deceive. Everyone has locked them up, in the chests they feel, are tight and tough. If revealed they destroy everything, only tears and ashes left, a deadly symphony playing.

They eat your insides and make you hallow, they are call secrets and like predators they follow.

They eat your insides and make you hallow, they are call secrets and like predators they follow

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"Sss Summoner?" Elvis questions.

"Yes boy a Summoner, someone who can summon spirit creatures." Horizon replies with mockery in his voice.

"But aren't Summoners extinct?" Elvis asks again bewilderment clear on his face.

"They are. But the Vroton royals have always practised the art of Summoning. They excel in it and are probably the only ones left who can Summon successfully." Casio explains to his confused friend.

"Who can you Summon?" Casio turns towards Horizon and asks him.

"Every spirit animal. Dragons, Lycanthropes, Chimera, Pegasus, Centaur, Griffin............. ANYONE." Horizon proudly replies.

"Impressive. Wait dragons are still alive?" Casio, who now looks perplexed, questions.

"Very much alive and still deadly. I have some of them back home. You see I always had this obsession for them." Horizon answers, enjoying the scared look on Elvis face.

"Thankyou. Thankyou for saving my life." Casio speaks with gratitude.

"It was an honour to save the life of prince of Lyra who was mysteriously roaming with a woman in a land far away from his kingdom. Since you yourself called me your saviour it would be only fair if you reveal your true purpose and assure me that I had not committed any wrong by saving your life." Horizon speaks, his comical tone turning into dangerous one.

"How dare you........." Elvis speaks, agitated by the stranger's words, and pulls out his sword.

"Wait Elvis. He saved my life he has a right to know." Casio gently speaks and tries to calm down his friend.

And so the tiny wooden cabin turned into the Chamber of Secrets.

Casio narrated everything, describing vividly, the dangers lurking around his empire, the prophecy and his presence at the port of Barnosa.

Horizon listens everything patiently as if meditating. He never interrupted the prince, questioned him or disturbed him for he was too fascinated.

Events turned into a magical story which lured him with his silence as evidence.

"You said the treasure of Valhalla?" Horizon at the end of the narrative, questions.

"We know that it is merely a fable......" Elvis, irritated, begins to answer but is interrupted.

"Elvis." Casio says, a warning in his in voice. "Yes." He replies to Horizon's question.

"Well I remember that my grandfather once told me about it and surprisingly he recited the same prophecy. He also showed me a piece of map and said that we Vrotons need to protect it with our life as one day we would need to hand it to its true master and that master will not only save the world but the Vrotons too." Horizon claims, concentrating hard to reminisce every detail.

"What" Casio exclaims, his shoulder jerked in the process.

"Careful Prince." Elvis rushes to provide assistance to his master.

"I am alright Elvis. What did you say Horizon? Piece of map? Can you show me and I need to meet your grandfather too." Casio, hope shining in his eyes, says.

"Certainly prince. But I am afraid that the meet with my grandfather would not be possible since he is been resting in his tomb from past 3 years." Horizon with a smirk on his face, replies.

"Oh! Forgive me I didn't knew." Casio mumbles.

"But I am sure my father would certainly know about it." Horizon speaks.

"Great. Then shall we avast next at the Vroton empire? " Casio asks his audience.

"I think we should." Elvis replies while nodding his head.

"And I think" Horizon speaks while walking quietly and picking up the sword. "That eavesdropping is bad manners." He swiftly opens the door to reveal their traitor but the corridor was clear.

Horizon comes back inside and locks the door again. He drops the sword and says "I thought someone was..... Well it would be an honour for Vrotons prince."

"No need for formalities Horizon. Please call me Casio. And you must remember that on this board I am a merchant from Quilan not the prince of Lyra. Also this journey and its purpose are secrets and I hope you would keep it that way." Casio says, a dangerous voice in his tone.

"Certainly Casio." Horizon replies in a firm voice.

"Elvis show our guest his room and inform the captain about the changes. Also go and check how the preparation of medicine is going." Casio orders his courtier.

"Yes master." Elvis bows and he along with their guest leave the wooden cabin.

But they all were unaware of someone. Someone whose presence is dangerous. Someone who has heard it all. Someone who is living in the shadows, hiding , listening and observing. Someone who may be their friend or their foe but has a same purpose. To find the Lost Treasure of Valhalla.

Water is boiling at an high temperature inside the pot. Leaves are crushes brutally, grinded and thrown inside the water. The flames are rising but inside Coralia's heart. She is angry and exasperated.

Is her care for him wrong?

Is her concern for him wrong?

Is her consideration for him wrong?

Certainly not. Then why is she wronged?

She was merely voicing out her worry. She merely wanted to ease his pain. It would take just a few minutes for her to prepare an excellent balm for Casio's injury and then she would have prepared the medicine for the soldiers.

But Casio by yelling at her crushed her feelings just like the leaves before her. She loudly smashed another herb, scaring her visitor.

"Can I come in?" a feminine, sweet voice asks politely.

Coralia still in a fury, looks up only to see the girl who pleaded her, whom she saved and because of whom she met this handsome, irritating man, is standing by the door.

"Ohh! Yes please." Coralia speaks in a humble tone, reminding herself that the poor girl before her is not to be blamed for her current situation.

"I was only allowed today to leave my cabin. So I came here to express my gratitude. What you did that day was brave and so kind of you. I am a just stranger and you saved me by risking your life. I am sorry for all the troubles I have caused you. And thankyou. Thankyou so much. I cannot give you anything in return but I can promise you that I shall always be at your service. Whenever you will need me, I will be there for you." The girl speaks with tears glistening in her eyes.

The girl is beautiful. She has long golden hairs, big brown eyes, rosy lips, fair skin, gentle fingers and melodious voice. She is wearing a peach colour gown, suitable for girls of her age and complimenting her fair skin.

Coralia stands up and reaches for the girl. "Remember what you called me that day? You called me sister. And this is what sisters do for each other." She speaks gently.

The girl hugs Coralia, finding solace and comfort. She cries loudly and Coralia patiently pacifies her.

"Now I have heard that crying makes the girl ugly. And if a beautiful girl like you cries then men out there would curse me hard." Coralia says while trying to create humour.

The girl pulls out from her arms and smiles while wiping her tears.

"I am Coralia Sorceress." Coralia introduces herself.

"And I am Lake. Lake Quin." The girl speaks.

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