Chapter 15

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" Ma'am the medicines are fine." Sanjay talked to Neela over phone.

" Okay Sanjay Thank you."

' The Medicines are fine. How can I prove her atrocities? God please show me some way. I don't want that monster to harm anyone else. I want Avni to be safe.'

" Neelamma... "

" Avni ... when did you come? Come sit. Neil come come."

" We were taking a walk so thought of visiting you." Neil told her.

" Will get you some tea and snacks."

" I'll help you Neelamma." Avni and Neelamma went to the kitchen leaving behind a Neil in the sofa.

In kitchen:

"Avni is everything going fine? How is your morning sickness? "

" Everything is fine Neelamma.. Morning sickness is there but it's okay. I am able to retain the fluids and some food so that the baby won't starve. But I am worried about something else. "

" What is it Avni. Share with me."

" I dont get good vibes from my gynec. I am scared to meet her. I feel like something wrong is going to happen whenever I go near her."

" Avni , don't worry I'm there right. I won't let anything happen to you and your baby. "

" Neelamma let me ask you something. Do you know my doctor? "

Neelamma was about to answer her.

" You Mom and daughter has done your chit chat? Can I get a tea?? "

" Wooaa Neil..." Neelamma was fumbling for words.

" Neil.. Neelamma was telling me how to take care of kids. Right ma?? "

" Yeah... "  She was happy to hear Ma word from Avni.

She wrapped her hands around Avni in protective manner.

" Waahh Avni getting lectures from experienced ones. Not bad."

" Who else will give her tips apart from her Mom. Right Avni?"

" you are right mom. How will he know about these things. Mr. Tube light."

Neil frowned at her comment while Neelamma laughed at their antics .

" Neelamma, if you don't mind why are you staying alone here? I mean what about your family? " Neil asked her curious to know about her whereabouts.

" Not everyone is blessed with having a happy family Neil. Sometimes even Gods get jealous seeing happy families and they take their dear ones pushing them into a sad life. " Neela was trying hard to hide her tears . But her own emotions betrayed her and the salty water flowed from her eyes like channels leaving track in her cheeks.

Avni stared at Neil for asking that question. She hugged Neelamma wiped her tears

" What's happened has happened. Who told you don't have a family. You have a sweet daughter, tube light son in law and a lill devil as your grand daughter. Right? " Avni tried to cheer Neelamma.

" Who was talking about me? " Mishti was back from her Karate classes. Went to her house to find the house being locked and guesses her parents will be in Neelamma's house.

" Speaking about the devil.. look who is here."

Neelamma pulled Avni's ear playfully .

" There is no license for your tongue these days . Don't tease my son in law and grand daughter like this. "

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