Chapter 1

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Devyn's POV

The alarm rotated between about six different annoying noises of varying pitch and volume. It sounded like a disco for the anti-christ. Irritated I throw my arm out and smack it till the screeching stopped. Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I watch my legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet. Heading towards my bathroom to shower. The water pours down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't care about. It's the water. My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know that now.

Once dressed, I'm grabbing my stuff and heading out the door. Making sure I lock it behind me, I've never trusted this flat block and I never will. Shaking my head I stomp out the building, heading for the subway. In the daytime the subway station was a seething mass of humanity. Everyone from every walk of life was shoulder to shoulder, in each other's faces, no personal space, no exceptions. You take in no information about anyone, they are just things in your way. Moving, smelling, awkward, rude things. With a whine and a displacement of air the train arrives and I hurry on. Perched on the hard seat I flick through my phone and look at messages I already read, anything to avoid eye contact.

As I step off the train I feel a pair of eyes behind me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Turning around I see a shadow of a person walk behind the wall. Swiftly I turn and head to my office. Walking through the rotating doors I swallow the dread and pulling force to walk back out the doors. Avoiding as many people as I can until I get close to my office. Suddenly a pair of tanned arms wraps around Devyn's neck. Freaking out, I grab the arm, pulling it over my shoulder, body slamming them to the floor. Pinning the person down I push my arm against the person's neck.

"Devyn!! What the hell?!"

I blink, looking down at the person below me. It was Millie. Her short brown hair now messed up along with her clothes and the coffee cups she was holding. Finally realizing what I had done I got up from the floor, taking Millie with me. My heart pounding against my rib cage almost painfully.

"Millie...I'm so sorry.."

"Why are you always so on guard?"She frowns,

I can't answer, so I look away instead, right into the eyes of the boss. Lisa, whose face has moulded into a smirk.

"That was quite impressive Devyn, I'll be keeping an eye on you" and with that, she turns and walks away,

My shoulders sulk as I turn to look at Millie,

"ugh.. look at the coffee.."Sadly I look down to the brown liquid that has soaked the carpet,

"I really am sorry Millie... I didn't mean to hurt you"

Slowly the blonde looks up, sighing a soft look forms on her face. Pulling the dark-haired girl into a hug.

"Alright, ladies," Another voice remarks,

Pulling away I spot my best friend Shane, "Heeyy!"I mock,

"haiii!"He replies, laughing,

I pull him into a tight hug. Quickly he says hi and hugs Millie tightly,

"how have you girls been?"He asks once Millie lets him go,

"Dude we literally saw you yesterday" I laugh,

He waves me off as we head to our desks. I sigh once I sat down, another day of reports and paperwork. Only until 12 O'Clock when me and Shane get called out along with the rest of the G.C.P.D. Another robbery at one of the banks. I follow alongside Gordon checking the hostages are okay, while the team and the SWAT dispose of the grenades.

"He can't resist showing us his face, "I comment,

Gordon looks at the grainy blow-up of the jokers face, sighing.

"Put this out, by morning we can put a big top over central holding and sell tickets" he puts the photo down, looking at me, "what is he hiding under that makeup?"

Gordon approaches a forensic photographer shooting one of the henchman's body and crouches to look at his clown mask. I jump slightly as Batman steps out from the shadows. Ignoring the pounding in my heart at the sight of him, I start to move and Gordon nods at me. I turn away and start getting everyone to leave the vault.

"Give us a minute, please, people"

Once everyone had left I lent against the wall. "what is he hiding?"I mumble to myself.

Later that day I finish my reports at my desk. Millie pokes her head round grinning,

"whats got you all happy?"I laugh,

"Whatcha up to tonight?"

I frown at her, her plans always involved drinking,

"I'm not going out drinking tonight Mills" I sigh,

She jumps up and walks round to stand beside me, "no, no, you don't have to, I and Shane are meeting up with Jamie, and we wanted to know if you would come.."

"Jamie? as in Jamie-"

"-Banks, yes! its been ages since we saw him"

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, "where are you meeting him?"

"yes! it's at the Ark pub, downtown" She cheered,

"of course its a pub" I laugh,

"c'mon, it's a Friday, a few drinks won't hurt"She pleaded,

"yeah, but a few drinks to you end up with us hammered"I reply, laughing,

She rolls her eyes and slings an arm around me,

"come on! we are meeting at 6!"

Chuckling I push her off me, "Okay fine, I'll meet you there but I refuse to have more than 2 drinks" I say sternly, pointing a finger at her,

She smiles but puts her hands up in surrender,

"Okay, okay! It will be fun!"

I nod as she walks back to her desk, bypassing Shane who gives me a grin and two thumbs up. I wave him off and go back to my work.

Before I know it 5pm rolls around and I'm walking out of the building, Shane and Millie behind me, giggling and whispering,

"What are you guys up to?"I questioned,

"Nothing" Shane laughs, his eyes darting around the place,

"sure" I comment, rolling my eyes,

"Hey, do you want a lift home?"Shane asks,

"Nah, I'll get the tube, thanks though"

Shane frowns at me, "but it's getting late and you only have an hour.."

I turn and stop, "I'll make you a deal, I'll walk home now but if it makes you feel better you can pick me up at 5:45?"

"deal. Shake on it?"

He extends his hand towards me, I scoff at the childishness but none the less take his hand and shake it,

"see ya later losers!"I shout over my shoulder,

"see ya! be careful!"Millie yells,

"I will"

I head towards the subway, as I turn to walk down I see a figure stood in the shadows of the alley. Stepping closer and squinting the figure is gone, I shrug and walk down the steps to the train.

I get home with half an hour to get ready. Luckily I showered this morning so I changed, applied some makeup and straightened my hair. I grab my purse just as there's a knock on my door.

"hang on, just coming!"I shout.

Taking one last look around my apartment I walk to the door. 

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