Chapter 21

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Joker's POV

I watch as my men are processed. In the harsh light, the men

look a little ridiculous in their clown make-up. I smile to myself. A detective turns to Stephens, I think that was his name,

"Look at these ugly bastards."

One of the men, walks over, clutching at his belly. My mouth twitches, this is going to be good,

"I don't feel good."He whines,

"You're a cop killer. You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck."The detective spits at him,

Alone in my cage, I grin. I sit there for a few minutes, waiting for them to grab me, someones missing. Fighting the urge to laugh 2 officers run in and roughly pull me out of the cage, 

"Joker you're coming with us."

I'm dragged down the hall to the intregration room, even though I'm co-operating, its all part of the plan. 

I'm sat in near darkness for a while until, Gordon walks in and sits across from me,

"Evening, Commissioner."

Gordon gets straight to the point, as usual,

"Harvey Dent never made it home."

"Of course not."I say, fidgeting in my seat,

"What have you done with him?"

I laugh at him, leaning forward ever so slightly,

"Me? I was right here. Who did you leave him with? Your people?" I pause looking at him, licking over my lip, "Assuming, of course, that they are your people and not..Marionis." Gordon stares at me, "Does it depress you, Lieutenant, to know how alone you really are?"I grin,

Gordon glances behind me, but I knew there was a camera there, so I shrugged it off, even though something felt off,

"Does it make you feel responsible for Harvey Dent's current predicament?"I smile,

"Where is he?"Gordon says, almost growling,

"What time is it?"I ask leaning back again,

"What difference does that make?"He hisses,

"Depending on the time, he may be in one spot. Or several."I say grinning,

Gordon stands and moves towards me, uncuffing my hands. I hum at him, looking up,

"If we're going to play games, I'm going to need a cup of coffee."

"Ahh, the good cop, bad cop routine?"I sing,

Gordon pauses, hand on the doorknob.

"Not exactly."

Gordon steps out and the overhead lights come on. I blink and squint in the harsh white light. Then my head is shoved forward my face hits the table, lifting my head up, my eyes struggle with the light. Batman is in front of me, I stare, fascinated. I'm bleeding, possibly from my head or my mouth, but it doesn't matter.

"Never start with the head... victim gets all..fuzzy. Can't feel the next-"

CRACK! Batman's fist smacks down onto my fingers. But I'm calm,


"You wanted me. Here I am."Batman says, his voice deep and rough,

"I wanted to see what you'd do. And you didn't disappoint..."I laugh, "You let five people die. Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me... that's cold-"

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