Chapter 20

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Devyn's POV 

It wasn't long before something comes in on the radio, 

"All units, be advised. All units will exit down Cheviot west and proceed north on lower 5th avenue."


"Go with them but take the far side road and meet them on the other side," Gordon says, 

I nod and put my foot down. As we get to the diversion there is a fire engine ablaze and I turn and go down to the lower 5th. Not far ahead I could see another truck, I'm guessing Joker's, and the SWAT vehicles, I move all the way over and speed past. As I pass the van and the truck I see Jack firing at the SWAT van, he spots me and I change from 4th to 6th gear and race forward, getting out of the tunnel. Then I hear it, the explosion and I see Batmans car propelled through the wall, 

"You know how to move a car don't you" Gordon laughs, 

"got some bad news for you, I haven't got my licence yet"

He just laughs at me, I turn down a street ahead and park up, waiting. The armoured car pulls onto a ramp, heading up. The Joker's Truck following closely. In a split second, I see the Joker's Thugs fire cables across the street at the seventh-floor level and pull them taut as the chopper approaches, unaware the chopper catches on the cables, going down in a fiery ball that barrels along the street towards the armoured car. The Driver steers around the flaming wreckage. The Joker looks ahead to see the Bat-pod emerge from the alley in a cloud of fire, skidding sideways impossibly it races towards them.

"No.," I whisper and get out of the car,


I watch as The Bat-pod races straight at the Joker's truck and fires a harpoon directly at them. It impacts low, below the bumper. I step out too far, out of the shadows. Jack sees me, shock momentarily on his face before he's flipped upside down. The cable goes taut ripping one post from its foundation- The trucks front wheels catch, flipping it end over end.

"JACK!!"I scream running towards the wreckage,

The Joker crawls from the wreckage. He jumps over the median and starts waving his pistol at oncoming traffic. Batman guns the bat-pod and rides it up and over the median. The Joker walks towards the Bat-pod, which speeds towards him. He is firing his gun randomly at the oncoming


"Hit me. Come on. Hit me."He growls,

"He's fucking insane!"

Batman watches as the Joker holds out his arms. Waiting for impact. There is no room to go around him.

I go to run and push Jack out of the way before arms wrap firmly around my waist and pull me back,


Batman locks up the brakes. The Joker watches as Batman dumps the bike, rather than smashing into him. Batman slams into the truck.

"I couldn't let you do that."Gordon sighs,

The Joker's thug reaches Batman first. He is unconscious. The first Thug pulls at the mask. An electric shock from he bat-suit throws him back. The Joker laughs mechanically and jumps on the thug now lying on the floor. He flicks his switchblade and crouches over Batman,

"Go get Harvey I've got this" I growl,

Gordon nods and runs to the truck. I run to the Joker and stand behind him, my gun pressed against his neck,

"Drop it."

"Just give me a second."

I cock the gun and kick him onto the floor. He drops the knife and looks at me. I pull off the helmet and face material,

"We got you, you son of a bitch."I hiss,

"Devyn?"He asks, in disbelief.

I place him in handcuffs and haul him to stand. He doesn't fight me. A small army of cops have sealed off the roadway. Gordon and I pull away in the squad car containing the Joker.

As Ime and Gordon walk in, along with some other officers I see The Joker sitting in a holding cage. His makeup has run, his clothes a mess but his calm lends him an odd dignity. Cops smash their nightsticks against the bars near the Joker's head, he doesn't flinch once.

"Stand away all of you! I don't want anything for his mob lawyer to use, understand? Handle this guy like he's made of glass."

The Mayor walks in and shakes Gordon's hand,

"Back from the dead."

"I couldn't change my family's safety."

The Mayor looks over at the Joker in his cage. I look over too and Jack's staring at me, it goes straight through me and I look away. Why do I feel so guilty, this is the right thing..isn't it?

"What do we got?"

"Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing iB custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No name, no other alias..nothing."

"Go home, Gordon. The clown'll keep till morning. Get some rest- you're going to need it. Tomorrow, you take the big job."

The Mayor looks around and I look at Shane, who just winks and smiles,

"You don't have any say in the matter. Commissioner Gordon."

The cops in M.C.U. start cheering. I smile at Gordon but turn and hug Shane, smiling. He kisses my forehead, only then do I hear the out of sync clapping, turning I see Joker clapping slowly, looking up with his eyes. Swallowing thickly I leave the room. 

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