Chapter 19

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Waking up I realise I'd fallen asleep where I'd sat last night, checking the time I saw it was 9 am. Getting up I showered being careful of my burns and re-bandaging them then changed into a fresh pair of clothes. Heading downstairs I found Rachel sat in front of the tv, 

"what are you watching?"

"Bruce said he was going to turn himself in."She sighs, 

"what? seriously?"

she nods, as I look at the tv I see a capacity crowd of reporters, cops, and the public are crammed into a conference room. Dent is at the podium.

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I've called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly, to assure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killing is being done. Secondly, because Batman has offered to turn himself in-

The crowd erupts into a roar of shouts,

"So where is he?"Someone shouts, Dent ignores him and continues,

"But first. Let's consider the situation: should we give in to this terrorist's demands? Do we really think that-"

A reporter cuts him off,

"You'd rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of citizens?!"

The crowd noisily assents. Dent calmly motions quiet.

"The Batman is an outlaw...But that's not why we're demanding

he turns himself in. We're doing it because we're scared. We've been happy to let Batman clean up our streets for us until now"

Another shout rings through the crowd,

"Things are worse than ever!"

Dent leans over the podium, in a wholehearted manner,

"Yes. They are. But the night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."

The crowd quietens down,

"One day, the Batman will have to have to answer for the laws he's broken but to us, not to this madman."

The crowd seems moved by his words, then, a chant-


The crowd cheers,


People take up the chant. Dent has lost them. He knows it.

"So be it."

He turns to the officers,

"Take the Batman into custody."

At this, a hush descends. Wayne is stood to the side near the front. Hungry eyes scan the room. Wayne starts to move forward..Dent offers his own wrists to the officers,

"I am the Batman."

A beat. Wayne stares. Gasps fill the room

Rachel stares as Dent is arrested on TV, appalled,

"Why did he do that?"I say in disbelief, "Bruce can't let him?"

I look at Rachael, she's angry,

"I don't know but I've got to go. I'm sorry"

I nod, standing and hugging her,

"Keep in contact and be careful"

She smiles at me and leaves. I watch her go with a heavy heart.

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