Chapter 23

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Devyn's POV

I get back to the penthouse and I've never felt this conflicted and heavy. Alfred is in the kitchen and I go to walk past, 

"Hello Devyn"His usual ahppy tone dulled down, 

I turn to look at him, he's just as upset as me and Bruce, he knew her since she was little. Walking over to the kitchen counter I take a seat on once the chairs, 

"would you like a drink?"He asks, 

"Have you got any whiskey?"

"Plently"He chuckles halfheartedly, 

He pours a small glass for each of us,

"thank you"

Sipping the liquid it burns my throat but it starts to take away the numbness, 

"I don't want to believe it.."I croak, 

"None of us do..but it's a price we pay in this life.. at least she's in a better place now"

I nod, I go to speak, to tell him about Jack but I decide better of it, 

"Don't be afraid to tell me anything.."Alfred says sofftly, 

Looking up I offer a small smile, "now wouldn't be the time, but thank you Alfred."

He nods at me as I finish my drink, 

"thank you for the drink, I'll be going to bed now"

"Of course, good night Devyn"

"good night Alfred"

Slowly I walk to my room, passing Bruce's, the door open a crack. Seeing inside he was curled up, face with dried tears. Once in my room, I get undressed and straight into bed. 

The next morning I wake up to a letter propped up against a cup of water on the bedside table. My name is written on the front in cursive letters. Picking it up I open it and begin to read. 

Dear Devyn, 

I didn't know when I'd be back and with how things are going at the moment I wasn't sure If I would ever..that being said, if your reading this then that means I'm gone. I asked Alfred to give you this in the event something happens to me. I am so glad to have met you and shared the connection we had. I wanted to tell you that if my death is caused by the Joker and/or his men I do not want you to resent him. Remeber what I told you, sometimes you have to do what you feel is right not what is necesarily the correct thing. I know the feelings you share for him, as I share for Bruce. Follow your heart because in the end what matters is you and your happiness. I'm sorry if you have to read this. 

Good bye Devyn. 

A single tear falls from my eye. Last nights memory fills my head, meeting Jack again. Is that what she meant? Shaking my head I walk downstairs and see Bruce and Alfred drinking coffee in the living room, 

"Good morning"I yawn, 

"Morning Dev."Bruce says, trying to smile, 

"Good Morning Miss Devyn"

I smile at Alfred, he always manages to make you feel a bit better even in the worst of times. 

Alfred points us to the TV.

"You need to see this."

On screen is Engel, in his studio, addressing the camera.

"...he's a credible source - an A and M lawyer for a prestigious consultancy. He says he's waited as long as he can for the Batman to do the right thing..."

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