Chapter 11

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Devyn's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about how Jack made me feel earlier, I kept reading the same bit of text over and over. A knock sounded at the door. 

"yeah?"I call, 

The door creaks open and I sit up, a thug walks through. I jump up and back away, 

"what do you want.."

"Don't worry, Joker just sent me to give you something to drink, here I'll put it down on the table and go"

"tell him, thank you"

The thug nods and walks out, shutting the door behind him. Cautiously I walk up and grab the glass. Smelling it and inspecting it, it's just water so I shrug and take a sip, walking back to my seat. 

It's been 2ish hours according to my phone and I've been feeling so weird, my concentration is off and I can't get Jack out of my head. Sighing I put the book down and laid backwards. I checked the date on my phone, 26th of March 2019, I've been gone nearly 2 weeks. I've grown such an attachment to him in such a short amount of scares me because I want to see my friends again but I don't want to leave Jack..suddenly there's more shouting and then silence. I jumped as there was a knock on the door, 

"Come in"

Jack stepped through the door and I sat up, 

"Hey doll, can I have the phone?"

He walks over to me as I hand him my phone, I watch him as he checks over my phone, 

"You didn't text anyone, "He says, a smirk on his face, 

"I did say I wouldn't"I shrug, 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone at the door, I look and see a henchman stood there then quickly turn away, 

"Jack, one of your men was at the door..."

His head snaps round, "Wait here, I'll be back"

Swiftly he's out the door and not 30 seconds later I hear a thud. Being nosey I stand up and look out the door. Jack has a thug pinned against the wall by his collar, 

"what the fuck are you doing down here? I told you not to come to this area!"He bellowed, 

"I..I'm sorry I just wanted to see-"He stammered, I recognise him but I don't know why, everything's gone fuzzy, 

"see what?! there's nothing to see! so go back before I blow your fucking head off!"

The thug scrambles away and I turn back from the door. The same feeling as earlier overcomes me, 

"Sorry about that doll he-"

Cutting him off I slam the door shut and pin Jack against it by his shirt, his eyes widen, 


Leaning forward, harshly I lock my lips with his and press my body close to his. He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my torso. He groans as I tug on his hair. I move my hands and undo his waistcoat. Breaking the kiss to move to his neck, kissing down and nibbling, 

"w..what are you ah! doing? Devyn??"Jack says breathlessly, 

I pull away, moving my hands back up to his hair, threading my fingers through the green strands, 

"shut up"I growl, 

Pulling him into another harsh kiss. My tongue licking for entrance, reluctantly he agreed and I deepened the kiss. My breathing getting heavier as I push close to him and keep kissing. Then I start to go dizzy and the kiss becomes softer. I pull away from his lips but only a little, millimetres. Looking up at him, everything is spinning, 

Joker's POV

"Jack.."She whispers before her eyes roll back and she falls, 

Quickly I catch her in my arms and pick her up. My mind is all over the place what just happened? Carefully I walk her to her room and place her in the bed under the covers. I don't leave her, I just sit and stroke her hair from her face. She always looked beautiful but when she's asleep her face is relaxed and so innocent. I shouldn't have brought her here..she's in too much danger. 

An hour or two later she wakes up,

"Jack?"She mumbles as she tries to sit up, 

I push her backwards softly, "no don't get up, take it easy doll"

"I'm so sorry Jack, I don't know what happened I couldn't control myself"She whimpers, 

I take her hand in mine and slowly stroke over her knuckles, 

"It's okay we will find out, just be careful"

"I felt funny ever since you sent that thug to give me a drink.."She sighs, 

My face screws up, wait what? I never sent.. fuck!

"I never sent a drink...what did he look like doll?"

"I think it was the guy who was outside the door.."

I growl and leave the room but leave the door open slightly. Storming down to the main area I spotted the thug from a few hours ago. I grab him, 

"did you or did you not give Devyn a drink?"I growl, "If you lie I will shoot you."

He whimpers and nods, "what did it have in it!"

"J-Just a pill. I don't know the name!! I swear!! I just wanted to see what would happen!!"He cries, 

I punch him in the face and kick him, then pull him up by the collar, 

"you think she's some kind of toy you can ah play with?!"I shout, 

I look at the rest of the thugs, "all of you pay attntion, he is setting an example and this is what happens"

I pull my gun out and shoot him in the head, they flinch, 

"If ANYONE goes near her or even touches her you are shot dead on the spot, do you understand?!"I screech, 

"yes, boss"They shout, 


I storm back to Devyn, she's now sat up in the bed, her eye's wide,

"You shot him...?"She mumbles, 

"I had to.. I'm sick of these people trying to hurt you, darling..."

She nods and looks down, walking over I cup her face and she holds my hands. This has decided it, 

"I'm taking you home."I announce, 

"what? No! I'm staying I want to help you"She protests, 

I sigh and look her in the eyes, "your life is not worth trying to fix me, you don't deserve to stay here."

I could see tears welling up in her eyes, she nudges her self against my hand, 

"I don't want to go.."

I chuckle, "you shouldn't want to stay here love"

She looks up at me with glassy eyes, 

"Does that mean I won't get to see you again...ever?"

I gulp, we could, but I won't let it happen. Me in her life puts her in so much danger and I won't do it, 

"Sorry doll. It just ah can't work."

She pulls away from me and nods, 

"Okay.." she whispers, 

I stand up and head for the door, "come on doll, I'll drive you to the city". 

Song of a TricksterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora