Chapter 15

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Joker's POV

Running around the corner I jump into the car and look back as it speeds away. My breathing hard, I'm exhilarated. I touch the blood running down my sweaty white makeup. Anger swells within me and I smack the back of the driver's seat,

"What do we do about Dent?"The driver asks,

"I'm a man of my word"I growl,

Looking down at my knuckles, I see blood, her blood. Slamming my head back against the seat I screw my eyes shut. Growling low in my throat. 

Devyn's POV

Slowly I stand up from the wall, wincing at the burning in my ribs. A GCPD car pulls up and I walk to it, exaggerating the limp a bit more. Shane comes running out the car, dressed in the uniform, 

"Shit Devyn, what happened?"He hisses, helping me into the passenger seat of the car, 

"He got away, handcuffed him and got him out here then well he hit me and I dropped the key and he ran off"I sigh, 

He shakes his head and drives off, 

"what wait about the thugs in the building??"I ask, looking out the back window,

"2 other unit cars are just behind me, Gordan needs our help, Surrillo and Leob have been targeted by the joker"

"Shit.."I sigh, "have they been taken to safe spaces?"

"they're currently being moved yes"

"Okay good"I nod, "where are we headed?"

"to Surrillo, Gordon is with Leob"

"How far are we?"

"now? 5 minutes."He states, 

We fly through the traffic with the sirens on, getting there in no time. When we arrive one of our men hands Surrillo a sealed envelope.

"Secret location.."I mumble,

He opens the car door and motions for her to get in. Surrillo climbs in.

"Can you smell that?"I ask,

"Yeah...what is it?"

"I don't know but I've smelt it before.."

Me and Shane watch our two operatives drive away. I look at Surrillo, she opens the envelope- pulls out a sheet of paper. Then it clicks, running towards the car I shout,



Surrillo's car explodes, heaving the car upwards in a fireball. I'm hit by the force and heat of the fire and thrown to the ground. My ears and ringing and everything's blurry. The front of my body hurts, it burns. After a moment, burning debris flutters down on me. Looking up I see playing cards, Jack's cards. That's the last thing I see before everything goes black. 

Shane's POV

"Devyn!!"I shout, 

Running over to her, she's passed out on the road, her skin red, blood covering her clothes. I check her breathing and pull my phone out, phoning for an ambulance. Carefully I lift her and put her in my lap, keeping an eye on her breathing. Then my phone starts ringing, 

(Call convo)

S- Gordon?

G- Leob's dead...any news on Surrillo?

S- She's dead too..her car exploded and Devyn ran to get her out as it happened and shes badly hurt and unconscious...

G- there an ambulance on the way?

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