Chapter 24

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Devyn's POV

Sat in a bar in the city I try to block out the people and think. There were no signs of where the Joker went after the explosion but what I know from Gordon is that 50 of the patients and staff are missing, along with Dent. We've been told to keep that quiet. Where could he of gone? I look up and see the news change. Mike Engel the presenter from earlier was being forced to read something out, I could hear Jack laughing in the background.

"What does it take to make you people want to join in..? You failed to kill the lawyer...I've got to get you off the bench and into the game. So, here it is...Come nightfall, this city is mine, and anyone left here plays by my rules. If you don't want to be in the game, get out now."

Bar patrons start moving and panicking, I stay put,

"But the bridge -and- tunnel crowd are in for a surprise."

It ends with Jack's face then static, pulling my phone out I ring Bruce, 

(Call Convo)

B- Devyn?

D- Did you see the news?

Byes, Joker again 

D- My plans are going on hold, I need to track Joker down, can you help?

B- Meet me at the bunker in 20 minutes

D- Got it see you then 

(End of Call)

I leave the bar and get in a taxi, heading as close to the bunker as I can. The lift takes me down and I see Bruce at the computers tracking everything, 

"Hey Bruce" I smile, 

He turns and smiles at me, 

"Devyn hey, I've got Lucius using a sonar technology scanner to look for any signs of him, I'll be out looking later tonight"

I nod and sit down with him and look for information. 

Bruce's POV

I look out, across the entire city skyline.

"Do you have a location on the Joker?"

"It's 8 west..."

I rev the bike and set off heading for the building, I call Devyn,

"You got a location?"

"Yes, he's at 8 west"

"Meet you there"

The line cuts off and I race along the streets. Pulling up at the building I call Gordon,

"I have the Joker's location, Prewitt building. Assemble on the

building opposite."

Cutting it off I get to the top of the building, it isn't long before Gordon and some of his men are there. SWAT comes in through the radio,

"We've found our missing bus."

Gordon looks at the SWAT LEADER.

"Then we have a hostage situation."

We look across at the large windows of the Prewitt Building. The Joker's men, in crude, homemade CLOWN MASKS are clearly visible, automatic weapons in hand.

"I got hostages" Announces the sniper,

Me and Gordon move forward and look through his scope. Crouched deeper in the room are patients, nurses and doctors huddled together.

"It's a shooting gallery. Why'd he choose a spot with such big windows?"Gordon asks,

"He likes the view."

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