Chapter 17

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Devyn's POV

I turned and crossed the road, suddenly I see headlights. I brace myself and try to move but now I've stopped the pain is unbearable. The car stops just before me and I drop to my hands and knees, shaking,


I hear the car door open and footsteps run to me, looking up I don't expect to see them. He kneels down and looks at me, 

"what the hell happened?"

Reaching out I feel my body give out, 

"Help me..please"

His arms catch me as I fall, my eyes slide closed as the pain takes over. 

Unknown's POV

I carry her to my car and lay her in the back. She's in a hospital gown, meaning she must of come from there. Getting in the front I drive away from the direction of the hospital. Looking at the clock, its late, 1:30am what was she doing running at this time? Taking the back roads I get there quickly, 

"Master Bruce you're back quickly"

"Set up the medical bed as quickly as you can, I've got a woman with serious injuries"

"on it now, and I'm guessing theres a significant reason as to why you didn't take her to gotham general?"

"she just came from there."


The door gates buzz open and I park quickly and carry her down to the base. Alfred already had the table set up, gently I lay Devyn down, shes still out cold. 

"what happened to her?"Alfred asks, 

Taking off my helmet I look at him, "I don't know, she passed out in my arms in the middle of the road"

"do you know her?"

I place my helmet down as Alfred starts cleaning her wounds, 

"yes, she works in the GCPD, she worked closely to Gordon"

Alfred nods at me, "Can you pass me the bandages"

I grab them and hand them to him, "does she know of your alter ego?"

"Her name is Devyn, and no she doesn't know much about me.."

After a minute or two of silence I speak again, "but I might tell her"

Alfred stops momentarily, "no offense to this poor woman but only me and Racheal know..why is different?"

"she spent 2 weeks in Joker's captivity.. and ever since she got back she's been denying that he hurt her, claiming he was protecting her."

Alfred nods, "just becareful"

"I know..will you be okay while I change and set up a spare room in the pent house?"

"yes, go, I'll look after her"

Devyn's POV

My eyes snap open and I look to where my arm was being wrapped. However it wasn't a nurse, and I wasn't at the hospital. The older man stopped and looked at me, 

"Ahh Devyn you've woken early, my name is Alfred. You must be very confused because of who brought you here"

Sitting up I look around at the computer screens, weapons and a suit which caught my eye. The batman suit, 

"You are a friend of Bruce Wayne's you were at the party that night..."I stop and look back at the suit, "that means..Bruce Wayne is..."

"Yes..he is"Alfred states calmly, 

Turning to look at him, "may I continue to care to your wounds?"

"Oh, yes, sorry.. thank you Alfred for helping me"

"May I know how to got these injuries?"

I nod slowly, "I was too close to an explosion, one of Joker's explosions"

"yes, Bruce had told me about what has happened to you regarding the Joker"

I nod and let him finish cleaning my injuries and bandaging them. Once done he pulled a chair and sat next to me, 

"Can I ask you something Alfred?"

"Of course Miss"

I smile slightly, 

"I think I'm being nieve.. Joker hadn't actually hurt me while I was with him but in the first few days he said he would if I didn't tell him about my name, my dad and my past..but I barely told him anything and he never hurt me, he protected me from his men and shot one of them because they tried to hurt me. He drove me home because he didn't want me hurt. However he knew my job and how closely I worked with Gordon but still killed him, he knew that would hurt me, and I think he knew I would be where the explosion happened...could I just be a piece in his plan to destory and cause chaos?"

Alfred had sat there and listened to me, I looked down at my hands, I was shaking. He took my hand, like a real father, 

"I don't think anyone could predict what that man will and wont do and what he plans, if he has a plan at all. I believe it would be a 50/50 chance that you are and that you are not. All I can say is be careful and don't trust anyone"

I nod and curse my watery eyes, 

"is there soemthing you aren't telling me in this that you are decding to or not?"he asks, 

I nod, taking a shaky breath, "while I was there he was chaning, if only a little, around me he would talk more, put his guard down and be himself not the Joker, the Joker is only a persona he puts up its not him, he's still human, albiet broken"

"I have to say..that could of been a trick too but you my dear are the only one who could decide that, anyone who has got as close and spent as much time with him as you hasnt come out not working for him and sane.."

"thank you Alfred"I smile, 

"Anytime Devyn, even after you leave here, I'm sure Bruce would not mind you coming by now and then"

I smile as Bruce walks in, 

"Devyn.. you're awake"He breathes, 

"Thank you for bringing me here, and all of this is safe with me"

"I apprieate that, thank you, how are you feeling?"

He walks over to me and Alfred starts clearing away all the medical supplies, 

"Much better, Alfred gave me some painkillers and it doesn't feel like my body is on fire anymore"I chuckle lightly, 

"Good, what the hell were you doing running into the road at half one in the morning anyway?"

"Panic, confusion, pain, all I knew was I wanted out of the hospital"

Bruce sits on the edge of the bed, "Did Joker do this?"

I sigh and look down, "yes and was his planned explosion to kill someone else but whether he knew I was going to be there at the time or not I don't know."

"There's no way of knowing if he knew so we can't blame him.."

Nodding at him, my eye lids feel heavy, 

"Come with me, you can stay with me for as long as you need"Bruce chuckles, holding a hand out as he left the bed, 

"Are you sure?"

"very"He smiles, 

I take his hand. 

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