Chapter 5

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Devyns POV

Even when I drift off the trauma to my brain is worse than being awake. I see him all over, coming to my bed, hands around my throat to prevent screaming. Often times I can change it to something new, a confusing carousel of people with no good intention, invading my house. Then I'm awake again, breathing hard. How can I drift off to some peaceful slumber when all it does is unlock the doors my demons hide behind? I envy those who sleep with the peace of never harmed children, pure and innocent as they should be. Every night for me is a battle of sleeplessness, a torment that must be endured rather than rest to be savoured. The bed dips and sit up quickly. Eyes darting around the room,

"Doll, it's just me."

Joker lightly puts a hand on my knee, I jump backwards,

"Argh, sorry, I'd forgot our deal"

"how is it just being you supposed to calm me?"I spit,

His face screws up, "I guess it never will."

"how long are you going to keep me here?"

At that, his face lights up in another grin. Only then do I realise that unless someone finds me, I won't be leaving,

"Until I get bored of you, however, each day gets more and more interesting with you my dear."

"I'm not your pet! I'm human, I have a life!"I snap,

I move forward and punch his shoulder,

"hehe, bad move doll."He cackles,

"fuck you."I snarl,

He reaches up and slaps me. My head snaps to the side as a stinging sensation forms. My blood boils, what have I got to lose if I won't be leaving here.

"is that all you've got?"I challenge,

The Joker looks shocked at my words,

"Oh I could do so much more to you doll, I just don't want to ruin you."

I roll my eyes at him, "I've never known the Joker not to want to hurt someone. I've dealt with shit you'll never know."

He raises his eyebrow bone and crosses his arms, "now you've got me interested. Want to explain doll?"

"I'm not telling you, I never tell anyone."I hiss, turning away from him,

"Oh but I bet your pretty best friends know, eh?"

"I never told them."

"What about blondie, surely she would know?"I can hear the smugness in his voice,

My head swings round to look at him, panic rising in my chest,

"h-how do you...?"

"Along with finding your father I was following you too, however, I never knew you were related to Daniel."

"it was you?"I blurt, "you were the shadow I kept seeing?"

His mouth widens even more as he laughs, "yes! hehehe, ya see, you were just too pretty not to follow"

"you're a creep!"I barked,

"Nope, just an admirer, and you just happened to fall right into my arms"

I scoff at him and move away,

"did you come in here just to bug me?"

"no actually! We are gonna for a little walk!"

He jumps up and I watch him, "come on doll"He bounces,

I hesitate and don't move,

"I don't want to make you."

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