Chapter 4

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Devyn's POV

I was thrown into the back of a black van. Looking around me as the door slammed shut I saw 2 other henchmen and him.

The Joker. His face painted white, red smeared across his lips and cheeks in a distorted smile, black-rimmed around his eyes messily. Green and curly hair, which looked greasy as hell. Wearing his signature green and purple suit. He was grinning insanely at me.

"What do you want with me?"I gulped,

His grin widens as he shuffles closer to me, knees touching. Fear crept up my throat, making it dry. I had felt this before and I hoped to never feel it again.

"You think I have a plan? hehe! I never do, you just look like you'd be fun to play with!"He cackles,

He reaches a hand up to touch me and I flinch back, memories flashing in front of my eyes, my body starts to shake frantically,

"P-please don't.. don't hurt me.."I whimper,

He frowns and immediately pulls his hand back, I lean and move as far from him as I could. I felt as if I was reverting back to my early teen years and childhood.

I don't know how long I was in the car for but apparently, I had fallen asleep because the car had stopped moving, but I kept my eyes shut. I felt arms underneath me and I flinched and curled up,

"Don't touch her! Don't you see the way she flinches? I've seen it before. Move away"A voice hisses, I think it's the Joker,

I feel a hand touch my arm, I jump a little,

"Doll, open your eyes, I won't hurt you."

Slowly I blinked my eyes open and looked to the Joker's face. He smiles but it wasn't as creepy as the ones before, dare I say genuine,

"I need to get you inside but I don't want to hurt you so I won't lift you unless I have to. Will you do as I tell you?"

I hesitate, "If neither you or any of your men touch me, then I'll do as you say.."

"We have a deal Doll"

He moves away with his hands up and I get out of the car slowly, tucking my arms under myself,

"This way, doll"

I look around and the thugs give me dirty and hungry looks, it makes me feel sick. Walking faster to keep up with the Joker, I take my eyes away from the men. I'm lead to a small room, with only a bed and a set of drawers,

"this where you will stay. you do not leave this room unless I'm with you. Understand?"

I turn to him and nod. He grins at me, I hate it

"good girl, what's your name?"

"D-Devyn Wright.."

Then his face screws up,

"The first name maybe but not the last one. I hope you're not lying to me."

My eyes widen, "I'm not lying.."

"I'll give you one more chance. what is your last name?"He growls,


"Lair!"He bellows,

I shrink back and he follows me,

"That man hehe your father, his name was Daniel Miller. If you are hehe his daughter, you should be Devyn Miller."He giggles, "I spot a liar"He sings,

I shake my head. He growls and walks forward; backing me against the wall. Instead of hitting me he hits the wall beside my head, I jump,

"I'm not lying!! My last name is Wright, I legally changed it 3 years ago!"I pant,

His face screws up once again, "so you were Devyn Miller now Devyn Wright?"


He steps back, "why did you change it?"

"Because of my father. To hide."

He starts to giggle, "ooh, why were you hiding doll?"

I shake my head and look to the floor,

"Devyn.."He sings, "tell me."


"Fine, you're boring me. I'll come back in a few hours you can tell me then."

I shake my head as he walks away,

"you'll tell me whether you want to or not! hahaha!"

I can hear him laughing even after he had shut the door on the way out. Sliding down the wall, the tears finally come. Bursting into tears I curl up in a ball. Tugging at my hair,

"why does he have to do this?! After 3 years he still manages to come back and fuck up my life! I was so stupid to think I could ever get away from that asshole."I sob,

Hours later of me staring at a blank wall and investigating the dull room, the door swings open. The Joker is back but with a tray. Sitting next to me on the bed he places it on my lap. There was a sandwich and a glass of water,

"Eat it."He spits,

I don't look at him, I just take a small bite out of the sandwich, which is just plain cheese and is a bit bland but not terrible. After I took a sip of the water and another bite out of the sandwich, this time a bit bigger, he speaks up.

"Are ya gonna tell me now?"

He swings his legs off the bed back and forth like a child,

"why... why do I have to?"

"'cause I want to know and I told you to."He giggles, "simple as that."

After a minute or two of silence and a few more bites of the sandwich, I finally speak,

"He was abusive.. so I ran away when I was 16."

Suddenly the Joker turned to me, cupping my face to look at me, I froze,

"Not gonna hurt ya, just lookin' you're only 19?"

I nod, he pulls his hands away,

"shit, when did he start being abusive doll?"

I gulped, those memories are ones I kept locked at the back of my mind. My face must have said it all,

"Really young, eh?"

Again, I only nod.

"Finish ya food, I'll be back later doll"

And with that he left again, shutting and locking the door. I finished my food and laid down on the harsh bed and attempted to ignore the old memories. Constantly moving around I couldn't fall asleep. I only hoped that Millie and Shane, with the help of the G.C.P.D, would find me and get me out of here before I end up dead. 

Outside I could hear the thugs and the Joker talking and laughing. His laugh was the kind that got under your skin, his smile is the same if not worse. He scares me, but not because of his face or laugh but because of the way he talks. He switches between calm and nice; to harsh and cold so easily and quickly, you can't trust him or his mind. You could never know what could happen to you in any second, his mood and ideas change dangerously. But somehow it intrigues me. I want to learn and figure him out, find out how he came to be who he is and why, or whether it's just how he is. I don't want to live in fear for the rest of my life, so maybe this is my turning point. I have to face it. I have to face him. 

Thinking has always been my lullaby so it doesn't take me long to fall asleep this time, so far away from home. 

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