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"Down there! At the bottom!"

"There's a body!"




I blink my eyes open, lights flashing in my face, people crowded around me. Throwing my hand out I push away the lights, recognising the two people in front, 

"Millie? Shane?"I groan, 

My throat burns, talking hurts so bad. My entire body aches. The events of last night slowly flooding into my head, 

"Yes, we're here. An ambulance is outside ready to take you to a hospital" Shane says, rubbing my arm, 

"what? no!"

I stumble and stand, supporting myself against the wall. Legs wobbling, 

"Woah, woah! you shouldn't be standing!"Millie warns, grabbing me, 

I flick her away with my arm while looking around, there are at least 3 S.W.A.T team members surrounding me. Looking to my left there's the door, feeling my pocket my keys are gone. Running out the door its getting light outside and the car is gone, 

"No!"I scream, 

Shane pulls me to him, trying to hug me. I give him a hard shove against the chest, 

"get off me! I don't want a hug, I don't want your pity."

"Devyn, you need to calm down, your hurt and confused, "Shane says gently, 

"I am not hurt, and I am certainly not confused. Joker knocked me out to protect me and drove off in my car! I need to find him"

Millie sighs and walks closer, I back away, 

"why do you keep saying he was protecting you, you strangled you!"

"you wouldn't understand!"I screech, 

Feeling my pocket, my gun is there, 

"I'm sorry, I love you both so much but I have to do this."

They look at me confused and I pull my gun out pointing it at them, 

"Car keys, anyone's I don't care." Millie throws me hers, I keep my gun out as I run. Finding it easily, getting in and roaring down the road, heading for my storage unit.

It's in the richer parts of the city, I had a stash I had to protect. The city flies by ina blur, I knew what I needed and what I had to do. Large gates opening slowly as I enter the unit site. Dumping the car I sprint to the container and enter the passcode. Heading straight to the back I unlock a safe, inside was a duffel bag and a backpack with all the things I would need to disappear, along with a bag of cash, about $30,000. There was also a black outfit, I stashed it in the bag and cleared the safe out, locking the container and headed for the nearest dealership where I could get a bike. 

At the dealership, I already knew what I wanted. I took my bags in with me, I wasn't getting back in that car. Walking up to the counter the man smirked at me, eyeing me up and down. I wanted nothing but to pull out my knife and wipe the fucking smile of his face, 

"what can I get ya, pretty lady"He says, licking his lips,

"black 2017 Yamaha R6 bike, black medium helmet and medium black jacket, leather. Pay in cash" I say without missing a beat, rolling my eyes at him, 

He nods slowly, 

"Aaron get the black R6 out. Amy get the helmet and jacket from the back, now"

The other guy nods and leaves, the young woman scurries away, terrified of the man. Anger sparks within me and it takes all my strength not to put a bullet between his eyes, 

"so that will be $15,500"

Reaching into my bag I pull out the exact amount and smack it onto the table. The woman walks through and passes me the helmet and jacket, 

"Hey, if this place treats you like shit, leave, you can do so much better, I promise"I grin, 

She smiles at me and mouths thank you. Looking forward I see the bike in the lobby. I look back and chuck Millie's keys on the desk, 

"Borrowed from a friend, they will come for them, so look after them for me"I wink,

Slipping the jacket and helmet on, the bags on my back I rev the engine, put down the visor and speed out of the building, heading to the nearest petrol station. 

A bottle of bleach, hair dye and scissors later I walk out of the shop and to the toilets to the side. My hair had been with me my whole life, the only thing that had ever stuck by my side through thick and thin. but now was a time to forget my horrid past and it go because it is the only reminder of what used to be. I bleach my hair and dye it a copper colour, cutting it into a shoulder length bob. The haircut was several inches shorter than I had intended. But it was too late now. My dark locks lay on the black and white tile floor and I could feel the cool breeze on my neck where there should have been hair. Even though it was shorter I loved it anyway. Pulling the black outfit from earlier out of my bag I change into a pair of ripped black jeans, black graphic t-shirt and knee-high boots. Bagging up my old clothes and hair, binning it on the way out. Hopping on my bike I head for the narrows. Heading for my dads flat. I'm going to find the Joker whether he wants me to or not. 

Even if it kills me. 

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