Chapter 2

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Devyn's POV

I grab my purse just as there's a knock on my door.

"hang on, just coming!"I shout.

Taking one last look around my apartment I walk to the door. As soon as I open it I'm greeted with Shane and Millie's grinning faces,

"ready?"She asks,

"as I'll ever be, "I remark,

"Oh shush you"Shane urged as he pulled me out the door,

Quickly I locked it and we headed down the stairs and out to his car. He owns a ford focus ST in blue, a beautiful car but not my favourite. Luckily the traffic wasn't too bad and we were only 5 minutes late. As we walked to the front door, Jamie is stood there. I can't deny the flutter in the chest upon seeing him. He was always little different, many piercings and constant hair colour changes. Since I last saw him he's dyed his hair a copper colour and pierced his septum and eyebrow. (Picture of Jamie below.. sorry I had to put the piercings in myself..)

We walk closer and he smiles at us

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We walk closer and he smiles at us.

"Hey, guys!"

"Jamieee!!"Millie squeals as she runs to hug him,

He laughs and hugs her tight,

"Hey, sexy"Shane winks,

Jamie pulls away from Millie to punch Shane lightly in the shoulder,

"Hey Shane" He chuckles, pulling him in too for a hug,

Lastly, he turns to me and he smiles. I can feel myself blush but I smile anyway,

"Hey Jamie"

"Devyn..hey" he breathes,

I walk forward and he pulls me in for a tight hug. Once we pull away he looks into my eyes,

"It's great to see you again"

"and you"I beam,

"shall we go in guys?"Shane asks,

"oh erm, yeah"Jamie coughs,

He and Millie walk ahead, while me and Shane walk at the back,

"Thank you"I whisper,

"Don't worry"He smiles, slinging his arm around my shoulders,

But as he did I could have sworn I saw another shadow behind me. I turn around sharply. There's an alley just across the street. I head for it,

"Hey Devyn, wait!"

I couldn't hear a thing, walking quickly I get to the alley. Leaning against the wall as I would during a patrol I motion for Shane to do the same next to me,



Slowly I turn around and jump into the alley. Nothing.

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