Chapter 12

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Devyn's POV

I got in the front seat of the car and put my seatbelt on. Jack got in the driver's side, it was only us but I looked away, out the window, into the night. We were obviously far out on the outskirts of the city guessing by the number of trees around us. It whizzed by so quickly, I dreaded the questions I will get once I'm back. Luckily I will possibly have a few hours to sleep before I reveal that I'm back, 

"where do you uh want me to ah drop you off doll?"He asks me, 

"As close to my apartment as you can get, there will most likely be police around the area"

I still didn't look at him. The lights up as we enter the city, we've come through the back way, through the narrows. This part of the city gives me shivers, the main crime happens down here, you avoid it as much as you can. I shrink back from the window and look forward, 

"Had to keep a low profile and come this way.."Jack says, 

I nod and throw my head back against the headrest. 20 minutes later and Jack parked up, we were a short walk from my apartment,

"I'll walk you part of the way there," He says, 

Finally, I look at him, "Don't, I'll be fine."

He pulls a gun out and hands it to me, "at least take this in case doll"

"No, I don't want anything that my workforce can trace back to you."

He takes it back and nods slowly, opening the car door I step out but before I shut it I turn to him, 

"Why me? Why all of this? You haven't hurt me and you brought me home."

He looks at me, his eyes hiding his feelings, "...I ah..don't know"

Swallowing I nod, "well..goodbye Jack, be careful still."

And with that, I shut the door and walk away. Out of the alley and into the streets. It felt strange to be outside, after being in 2 rooms for the past 2 weeks I felt...lonley. I was on my own now, it should have been freeing to go home but I think I feel empty. What am I to say to Shane, Millie and Jamie? The truth? or lie? I make it to my block and as I round the corner there was police tape around the doors, I just go under it and up the stairs. Sighing I saw that my door had been kicked in and my furniture was scattered. Stepping further in the stench of blood hit me and to my right was a mark where my father's blood had been. Walking over to my sofa I sat down, fisting my hair as the tears filled my eyes. Sobs started to leave my body, loudly. I didn't hear the footsteps at the door, 


Joker's POV

I drive off, watching her walk away in the mirror. Why was this so hard? She's safe now and with her friends and family...oh, I killed her father. From what she told me maybe it wasn't so bad that I had. Shaking the thoughts away I carried on driving until I got to the warehouse. 

As I pulled up 2 of my men came running to me, 

"Boss!! The girl has gone!! shes run away!"

"The door was wide open and she wasn't there or down the other wing!!"

"shut up! I just took her back. She hasn't run away"I growl, 

They looked at each other than me, 

"why boss?"

"because I decided to, "I growl, 

One of them frowns at me. I rip my gun out my pocket and point it at him, he backs away but falls over onto his ass, 

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