Rumors and Reputations ☼

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"SO, I'M TELLING MY MOM THE JOKE.    You know, the duck one?" JT asked the group that trailed behind him into the classroom, as he began to recall a recent memory

"That one is pretty good." Baby interrupted, linking her arms with Emma and Manny while the shorter boy continued, "When I tell her the punchline, she's spills milk out of her nose."

The gang of preteens let our small fits of laughter, except for Emma who looked a bit lost in her own thoughts. Manny and the Roberts girl looked at each other before taking their seats.

Once the teacher ended their hour-long lecture, the gang rushed to the busy lunchroom. They tools their spots at the usual lunch table, watching their tall friend stare at Sean. It was quite amusing and none of them really wanted to stop her, but being good friends, they finally cut in, "Don't you think you're being a bit obvious?"

"About what?" Emma hummed, still staring at the older boy in admiration, while the others worried he might catch her

"Sean. If you stare any harder your eyeballs will pop out." JT laughed, making the girl turn back to face her group of friends with an odd question in mind, "Guys, what do you think of Armstrong?"

"Teachers aren't people. They're teachers." JT simply answered, shrugging his shoulders to confirm what he said

"You know what I mean. Do you think he's okay?" Emma elaborated, waiting for a serious response from one of preteens

"Oh, yeah. Armstrong is giving JT a lot of extra help. He's been really nice, because now I don't have to spend everyday with this idiot." Baby Roberts answers with a smile, pointing a teasing finger at a glaring JT

"Yeah, come to think of it, he's nice to everyone." Emma agreed, squinting at the table the teacher sat at  

"You gonna eat that?" JT asked, pointing to the untouched food in front of her, as the tall girl made moves to leave the group, "Huh? No, you take it."

"Bye?" The shorter blonde spoke, sighing as she watched her curious friend walk off with no clue as to what she was going to do

"What's up, Baby?" JT asked the small girl, watching her poke at the fruit in her bowl, "I don't know. I'm just bored." Baby shrugged

"Bored? With me? Unacceptable. I bet $10 I can make you laugh for the next fifteen minutes straight." The boy dealed, holding out his hand for agreement from the blonde, who quickly accepted, "Deal."

Much as she hated to Los money, the short boy definitely lived up to the challenge of his bet, managing to keep the whole table laughing in the time limit the deal permitted.

Going through multiple ridiculous jokes and stories, the preteens simply couldn't stop themselves from smiling or even snorting at the worst ones.

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"WHY DO YOU SMIRK LIKE THAT?"          Baby Roberts wondered aloud as she passed by Spinner in the hallway, on the way to one of her class. She always seemed to find herself running into the annoying teen.

"OH, COME ON!" ❁ DEGRASSI: NEXT GEN. Where stories live. Discover now