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‘bts is a bunch of losers’

@sonyeonhoes: I’M HERRREEEEE

@sonyeonhoes: i also want to die

@daeguboy: how’d your exams go?

@sonyeonhoes: my brain got mind-fucked.

@babykookie: oH-

@guccitae: wELL THEn

@sonyeonhoes: i mean-

@sonyeonhoes: my brain hurts a lot okay ;w;

@godofdestruction: did you pass them?

@sonyeonhoes: i think so. i wont find out until friday though.

@sonyeonhoes: i’m so scared

@sonyeonhoes: if i graduate, i can leave pretty much asap.

@guccitae: you never did answer the question; when is your flight here?

@daeguboy: don’t bother her, she’s stressed right now

@sonyeonhoes: my flight is march 22nd, the wednesday after i receive my grades.

@lilmochi: so a week and a day?

@sonyeonhoes: yep. my keys should be coming in the mail tomorrow. i’m gonna go and pack up my stuff, aka clothes and my furniture.

@worldwidehandsome: wish i was there to help you!

@sonyeonhoes: you’ll be there to help me move in though

@worldwidehandsome: true

@sonyeonhoes: bye kiddos

@ballofsunshine: most of us are older than you.

@sonyeonhoes: shhh okay bye

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