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We stopped the car. I turned around to face the others. “Alright put on your masks.” We put on our masks and I pulled up my hood. Yoongi, who was half asleep, did the same. “Ready?” They nodded and we got out of the van. We walked slowly, but quick enough to go unseen. 7 guys, hiding their faces seems pretty suspisicous.

We walked through the doors and got instantly stopped. I assume its cause no one could see out faces. The guard looked at us. “Where are you guys going?” I looked at him. “We’re going to see our friend who is coming from the UK.” I said. He nodded. “Could you please remove your masks and hoods please.”

I shook my head. “Sorry, not to resist you, but we can’t otherwise you’ll have many screaming girls on your hands chasing us, and you wouldn’t want that now, do you?” The guy glared at me slightly and I sighed. “Can we at least find a bathroom first?” He nodded and lead us to a public bathroom.

We awkwardly stood there, then removed our hoods and masks. He instantly recognized us. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know who you were.” I nodded understandingly. “It’s okay, 7 guys come in wearing hoods and masks, seems pretty suspicious to me.” I said as I pulled on my mask and pulled my hood over my head.

“You guys are free to go, sorry once again.” We walked out of the bathroom. Hoseok groaned tiredly. “Of course that had to happen to us.” Yoongi nodded tiredly in agreement. “It’s okay, we’re okay, I handled it.” I reassured them. They shrugged tiredly once again.

We walked to the back of the place where (Y/n) should get off the plane. Not many people were here due to the fact of it being almost 1 am. After being stopped by the guard and dragged pretty much across the airport, we lost quite a bit of time. We got to where we would meet (Y/n) then we heard a thing over the loud speaker.

“Flight 204 from Manchester, United Kingdom, now coming in for landing.”* I saw Jungkook freeze. “That’s (Y/n)’s flight.” He said shakily. “Jungkook your fanboy is coming out.” Yoongi said. I laughed loudly. “I said that to (Y/n) in the group chat.”

“Jungkook it’s okay, we’re all slightly nervous to meet her, but trust me. In the end it will be worth it.” I smiled at him. He nodded and smiled back at me. “If you keep smiling like that, (Y/n) is gonna fall for you.” He laughed at what I said. Suddenly people started coming out from the plane. I looked for a head of (H/C) hair from the window, but i couldn’t see.

Jin walked up next to me. “(Y/n) is in the crowd somewhere.” I nodded, the others walked over to us and watched the people get off the plane with us. “In a couple minutes, (Y/n) will be here, next to us. How do you guys feel.” Hoseok said. “I’m nervous.” Jungkook said. “I’m feeling okay, just slightly nervous.” Taehyung said. Jimin just groaned. “I’m tired.” Yoongi said. I laughed at their answers.

After a couple more minutes, People started walking through the doors. We watched for a head of (H/c) hair, but we didn’t see one. We waited and eventually everyone was through and we didn’t see (Y/n). All of a sudden we heard a yell. I got nervous, hoping it wasn’t a fan.

“KIM TAEHYUNG!” The girl screamed. We turned around and saw a head of (H/c) hair. “Where the fuck is the hug you promised me?!” She yelled. Taehyung laughed and wasted no time in running to her. He picked her up and spun her around. “Don’t you dare drop me Tae. I’m gonna end you if you do!” We laughed and (Y/n) was set down, instantly she fell down.

“I need a moment, I’m dizzy.” She said from the floor. We laughed. I crouched down and pulled her into a hug. “It’s good to finally meet you (Y/n).” She smiled, showing off her dimples. (If you have any.) “You too Joonie, now help me up so I can hug the others.” I laughed and pulled her up.

“Oh my god, you’re so short, it’s actually cute.” Jimin said and (Y/n) glared. “I’m short but I will fight you.” He laughed and hugged her small form. “How tall are you anyways (Y/n).” Hoseok said. “I’m 5’2, leave me alone you dick.” (You’re short for a reason, It’ll come in handy later in the story.) Jin wrapped his arms around (Y/n) and picked her up.

She squeaked. “Language, young lady.” She stuggled slightly then gave up. “Yoongles, help me.” She looked at him. He laughed and smirked. “Sorry, you’re on your own.” She huffed and made herself flip around in his grip and hugged him. He laughed and let her go. She walked over to Yoongi. “You get hugged last because you made me suffer.”

We laughed and she walked over to Jungkook. “Hello Mr. fanboy. How are you feeling, because I am currently dying inside.” She laughed, so did he. He pulled her into a hug. “It’s good to finally meet you guys after watching your videos for years.” Jungkook said softly but loud enough for us to hear. “It’s great to meet you boys after supporting you for so long.” She smiled.

“BALL OF SUNSHINE.” She said loudly and jumped into Hoseok’s arms. He was slightly shocked but laughed. “I can’t believe you supported us for so long. Since 2013, early 2014? Wasn’t it?” She nodded into his chest then pulled away. Reluctantly, he let go. She then made her way over to the tired grandpa.

“Alright grandpa,” She said and I laughed. “You made me suffer in Jin’s arms, how dare you.” She joked and I heard Jin shout a ‘Hey’ and then laughed his windshield wiper laugh. Yoongi starred at her and opened his arms. “Come on, I didn’t mean it.” He said. She sighed and fell into his arms, literally. “Woah there,” Yoongi said as he caught her.

    “I’m tired. I want to sleep, I'm jetlagged and not used to this timezone. Take me homee.” (Y/n) whined and we laughed. “I think we’re gonna get along just fine.” Yoongi said as he steadied her on her own feet, we grabbed her bags for her. “Let’s go home, shall we?” I said as Jungkook walked up to (y/n) and picked her up bridal style. She squeaked and looked at him.

    “What are you doing?” “You’re tired and I’m helping you.” We walked out to the car and drove (y/n) to our house even though her house was just down the street. “Your bed probably isn’t set up yet, so you can stay with us tonight. We took the next few days off to show you around Seoul, then it’ll be your first day at Big Hit where PD-nim will talk with you about training, which you won't need much of, and your schedule. Okay?” (Y/n) nodded tiredly as we walked up to our house. “You can have my bed, (Y/n). I room alone so you can have privacy.” Jungkook offered

    She shook her head. “It’s your bed, you sleep in it, I’ll take the couch. That or we share the bed, we’re friends anyway, it’s not like anything will happen between us tonight.” I was shocked at her words, I’m sure the others were too. Jungkooks face was bright red but once he saw how determined she was he nodded. “I’ll show you my room.” He said quietly.

    He took her hand and they disappeared up the stairs, slowly we all made our way to our rooms, I laid on my bed as I thought about (Y/n). I sighed and took off my shoes, too tired to remove my clothes. I already knew (Y/n) was gonna be a big part of our lives, she was gonna change us all, hopefully for the better.

* - I have no actual idea if this is an actual thing. I don’t remember flying much because I was young when I did.

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