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I set my phone down and grabbed clothes. I didn’t need to shower I just wanted to change into new clothes, I just wanted to get this over with. I wanted to keep my hoodie on though.  I grabbed a new shirt, and a new pair of pants. I changed and put back on the Mastermind hoodie.

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it to reveal my friend who I dance with and did the dance covers with me. I smiled at her. “Hey, Amber.” (If that is your name, change it to another name.) She waved back and fixed her purple hair. I was slightly jealous of her long hair and dyed hair that I once dyed my hair blue, now it’s (H/C). (If you want dyed hair, here’s your chance. If you want regular colored hair that's cool too, but later on, in the story, its gonna be dyed quite a bit.)

“You ready to see our results (Y/n)?” “Of course not. This tells me if I actually can go to Korea or not, yes I’ve already bought my ticket but I’d cancel because this is my reward for passing.” She shook her head at me, her blue eyes shining behind her glasses. “Let’s go then!” She said excitedly. She reminded me of a child, she was so innocent. I shook my head at her and smiled. “You’re something else Amber.”

    She was walking out the door when she looked over her shoulder at me. “I know.” She said in a sing-song voice and walked away. I laughed and grabbed a beanie and my phone. I took a picture of her back walking away and posted it on Twitter to annoy her.

          I put my phone in my pocket and caught up with her. “You know (Y/n), We have to hang out like we used to before we started focusing on our grades and careers,” Amber said to me as soon as I caught up to her. “You mean being weirdos and causing havoc throughout the town?” “YEAH!” I shook my head and facepalmed. “Jesus fucking Christ.” She laughed at me. “Come on, it’ll be fun! We used to hang out all the time until we got busy.” “Sure, fine.” I sighed. She cheered and we arrived at her car.

    I got in the passenger side and pulled out my phone and checked the group chat.

@babykookie: nice picture (y/n)

@sonyeonhoes: thanks thats my friend walking away after saying something really extra.

@babykookie: you have nothing to say, you’re really extra too.

@sonyeonhoes: shh

@sonyeonhoes: okay im in the car i gotta go before she sees who im talking too.

@babykookie: bye (y/n)

I put my phone in my lap and put on my seatbelt. I plugged my phone into the aux cord as Amber started the car. I instantly played BTS, which Amber liked too, since she normally danced as Jungkook. Her bias was Jungkook though she wouldn't admit it. Ddaeng started playing loudly throughout the car and I instantly started rocking out to it while rapping along with the lines. Amber doesn’t know Korean very well so she was singing the words without really knowing what they meant.

    We rocked out to BTS and I recorded a video of me rapping to Yoongi’s part in Cypher Pt. 2, the fast part might I say. I sent it to the group chat knowing they would be impressed with me. I haven’t seen what they said yet though.

    We arrived to our university, Amber is graduating early too, however, we have different classes other than dance. So we went our own ways to our classes. Slowly one by one, I picked up the results to all my classes and I was scared to look. I decided to wait until I get home. I waited for Amber by the car. She came running over to me excitedly.

    “(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/NNNNN)!!” She grabbed me and jumped up and down excitedly. “I PASSED!  I CAN BE A DANCE INSTRUCTOR NOW.” She smiled widely at me and I smiled at her childness. “I thought you wanted to be a figure skater.” She shook her head. “That was if I didn’t pass.” She was still smiling widely. “What about you, did you pass?” She asked me

    “I’m waiting until I get back to my hotel. I want to be able to talk to my parents after and my friends and tell them the news.” I explained and she nodded her head understandingly. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s head back.” She got into the driver’s side of her car and I got in the passenger side, once again hooking up my phone to play BTS. I buckled up and pulled up the group chat.

@daeguboy: what the fuck-

@daeguboy: how-

@daeguboy: no one could rap that verse, not that i know of at least

@babykookie: she’s just that good.

@guccitae: she can do everything i swear

@lilmochi: female version of jungkook?

@babykookie: shut up guys

@sonyeonhoes: i got my exam results-

@sonyeonhoes: they’re folded up in my lap. im on my way back to the hotel where i will see my results

@sonyeonhoes: im so nervous.

@godofdestruction: im sure you passed. trust me on this one

@sonyeonhoes: i hope so. i’ll talk more when i’m back at the hotel. Bye

    I put my phone in the cupholder, born singer was playing so I left it. “(Y/n), seriously, we need to hang out before you leave and become popular and leave us all behind. Your flight leaves Wednesday, right?” “Yeah it does, why?” “Let’s say the days leading up to Tuesday, let's hang out. The old squad and everything.” I thought about if for a moment and Amber kept trying to convince me.

    “Come on think about it, you’re basically my best friend, James is too, but we all haven't seen each other outside of school in like forever. They will take off school and work to hang out before you go. Trust me, wouldn’t it be nice to see James, Lucas, Sage, Londyn, and Victoria again?” I nodded. I did miss them, we stayed close during the first 2 years of college, being slight troublemakers and causing havoc. However, during the middle of the third year here, everyone got kinda serious about their grades.

    “Alright, fine. You’ve convinced me. I really do miss them, so these next few days let’s cause havoc throughout the town.” She smiled and cheered. “YAY! I’ve missed this. Let’s all get together tomorrow. Then we’ll all probably see you off to the airport on Wednesday.” “You won’t. You won’t get up super early.” “What time does your flight leave at then?” “3 am.” She choked on air and I laughed. “Okay no, you’re on your own. Sorry.” I laughed even harder.

    Before I knew it, we were back at my hotel. “I can’t stay, I gotta take off work for the next few days then contact the squad once again. We’ll meet at Starbucks tomorrow at 11 am? Then the next few days are ours.” I nodded. “Okay. Thanks for giving me a ride today since I was lazy.” She laughed. “Why are you not?” I shrugged and got out of the car. “Bye Amber, see you tomorrow.” I shut the door and walked to my hotel room. “BYE (Y/N)!” She yelled while standing in her car, her upper body coming out of the sunroof with arms waving widely. I shook my head. ‘Jesus Christ Amber.’

    I arrived at my hotel room and entered it. I grabbed the papers containing my future inside them. Slowly I walked over to the desk. I sat and stared at them for what seemed like hours when it was only a few minutes. Finally after about five minutes. I opened them.

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