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I put my phone down on my bed and flopped down next to it. I could help but smile at the boys. They made me happy. They always have.

They saved my life.

I looked down at my wrist to see the faint white lines of the scars that once took up my entire wrist. Now they’re no longer that noticeable. I was a stupid kid always getting to trouble and drama, making my life harder than it was. I made myself depressed, I made myself this way. I tore up my body, I broke myself down to keep my friends and family happy. I forgot what I liked to do, but, once I found BTS I changed.

Yoongi will always be a big inspiration for me, the same with Jungkook. No, same with all the boys. They’ve all fought hard to be there where they are now. Yoongi fought depression and suicidal thoughts. Jungkook was still in school when he joined BTS. The others did so much too. Jimin suffered from a few eating disorders and lost a ton of weight.

No one is perfect but, to me, they are.

    I sighed and got off my bed. Walking around the boxes that laid around my room and my apartment. The movers are gonna be here soon to take my stuff and fly it all the way to Seoul. I was gonna have to ask the boys if they could watch my stuff. I have 2 keys, which I got today, I could put one in a box and the boys could put my stuff in my new apartment. I liked that idea.

    However, I didn't want to bother them. So I was just gonna let the movers keep my stuff in a storage unit in Seoul and I go and pick it up when I get there. I twirled my new set of keys around my finger then set them down. I walk into the living room and take down all the photos and things on my walls. I find the picture of my high school graduation. There’s me standing between my parents. I start tearing up remember how angry they were with me for pursuing my dreams in music and going across the world to go to college.

    I wipe my tears and place the picture in a box with all my other pictures. I haven’t told my parents yet that I was coming back. I think its time. I walk to my room and pick up my phone while my heart starts racing I take a few deep breaths and go to my contacts, knowing my dad would still be awake since he works late. I call him. I wait for a few and the voice makes my heart race even more. “Hello? (Y/n)?”

“Hey, dad..” I say quietly trying to keep my voice from shaking.

“You normally don’t call this late is something wrong?” My dad asked my concerningly. “No, I just have to tell you something. Is mom up?”

“Uhhhhh.. I can check.”I heard shuffling giving me the idea of him walking around the house. I heard him open a door then heard a female voice. “Hey honey.” “Hey love, I have (Y/n) on the phone. She has something to tell us.” I heard him sit down on the bed. “(Y/n), Sweet Pea, you’re on speaker now.” I heard my mom tell me. “Hey mom, first, I wanted to say that I love you guys.” “You’re not dating, are you? Are you pregnant?” My dad instantly asked after I said that. “No! Dad seriously?” I laughed slightly. “Okay good. Remember you’re not allowed to date until you’re 40.” I laughed even harder. “Sure dad. Sure.”

    My mom laughed. “What did you want to tell us, honey?” I took a deep breath. “I’m moving back to Korea next week. I finished my exams today.” There was silence on the other line until I heard some sniffling. “Are you crying?” I asked. “I’m just so happy you’re coming home.”

    I winced. “I’m not going home..I’m moving to Seoul to pursue my music career. I know you don’t accept it, but please don’t act the way you did when I told you about me going to college in Manchester across the world. Please accept me and my choices.” I spoke quickly before my mom could go overboard. I heard even more silence until my dad sighed. “I always knew you were the one to fight for what you wanted. Your brother never did that.”

    “We accept your choice honey, but once you become popular, please don’t forget your family.” I gasped once I heard those words leave my mother’s mouth. I felt tears in my eyes. This was the woman who slapped me when I told her I was leaving. This was the woman who didn’t talk to me for 2 years after leaving. This was the woman who betrayed me when she said she wasn’t gonna get mad once I told her. This was the woman who taught me mostly everything I know. This woman was my mom, and I love her.

    I felt the tears roll down my face as I let out a sob which my parent heard and instantly worried. “Are you okay honey?” “Is something wrong Sweet Pea?” I shook my head before I realized they couldn’t see me. “No, I’m just so happy you accepted my decision.” “Honey, we’ve seen your youtube channel. We’ve seen how serious you are about music with all your song covers, dance videos, and you playing your instruments. You take pride in what you do. We’re proud of you.” I sobbed even louder. “When I see you, I’m gonna hug you guys so tight.” I laughed through my tears. “You do know we won’t be able to see you get off the plane.” My dad asks. “Yeah, I do. You’re busy, but since I’ll be living in Seoul its a lot easier for us to meet.”

    I looked at the time and saw how late it was there and my eye widened. “Okay, I’m gonna let you guys go. Get some sleep its past 3 am there.” My parents chuckled at me. “Okay, Love you Sweet Pea.” “I love you to dad, goodnight.” My dad hung up and I plugged my phone into the charger. While it was past 3 am in Korea, it was past 7 pm here. I decided to just go to sleep after the long day I’ve had.

    I laid down and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

Time skip - Morning

I woke up with my phone going off. A few chats from the group chat, many notifications from YouTube and my other social media. I went on to Twitter and saw a dm from @BTS_twt. ‘What?’ It wasn’t sent from the boy’s personal twitters, it was sent from their group one. I opened it and saw a video. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them in. After that. I hit play.

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