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It’s been about 3 days since I’ve arrived in Seoul, those three days were filled with unpacking, putting my apartment together, both with the help of the boys, and then hanging out with the boys. They took me to their favorite places in Seoul, we had a lot of fun and got even closer.

Today is my first day at BigHit, where I would be personally meeting Bang Shi-Hyuk for the first time. I was nervous. The boys have already left for the day, considering they took off a lot of work to hang with me. They left earlier this morning, they woke me up and told me they wouldn't be able to accompany me to the Big Hit building, unless I left at 4 am, yeah no. I was gonna sleep some more.

I figured I had to stay professional but dress comfortably if I was going to be a trainee and dancing. I wore a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, that weren’t so skinny to my legs because I could move just fine in them, a plain grey T-shirt, and a pastel blue hoodie to put over top of it. I grabbed my bag that worked as my purse and put on my black converse. I didn’t have a car yet so I was going to have to walk and since I was already a little famous in Korea due to my videos, so I wore a mask.

Due to me working at BigHit, I got an apartment close to the building, It’s only a few blocks away from where I live, ironically BTS live a few houses down from me. I made my way down the streets, I left my house a little early so I could take my time on the walk, which was about 15 minutes, It was only 7:00 am when I left. The scenery of Seoul was beautiful and I loved everything about it, I couldn’t help but take pictures with my phone of things that I deemed as beautiful.

Eventually, I stood in front of the doors to BigHit Entertainment, that's when I started to get nervous. I took a deep breath and walked in through the door, taking off my mask in the process and walked up to the reception desk. “Erm...Hello, I’m-” The lady working there cut me off. “Oh my god, I knew there was going to be an (L/n) (Y/n), but I didn't think it would be you!” I blushed and rubbed my neck.

“I’m guessing you’re a fan?” She nodded excitedly at my question. “You’re quite big in Korea, even though some of your videos are of you speaking English, most of them are in Korean, so what do you expect? Of course, Koreans are gonna watch them.” I laughed at was she said. “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Ji-hye, I work here at BigHit as a receptionist.” I smiled at her. “I like your name. Mine is so different, coming from partly American culture, with my dad being American, so I got his last name and they just decided to go full different even though I lived in Gwangju for most of my life up until university.”

She nodded. “I remember you explaining that in one of your videos.” She looked at her computer and signed saying that I arrived. “I signed you in, just go through that door over there, You will meet a trainee and he will lead you to Bang Shi-Hyuk. I do hope we could talk again, it’s lovely to meet you.” I smiled at her and thanked her. “I’ll be working here, so I’ll see you more often.” She smiled back at me.

I walked through the door she pointed out to me and saw a guy who looked my age, he was staring down at his phone and I tapped him on the shoulder. “Hello, I’m (L/n) (Y/n), I’m here to see Bang Shi-Hyuk,” I said quietly. He looked down at me considering that I was short. He smiled, “I know who you are, I’m In-Jung. Nice to meet you.” He shook my hand. “Follow me and I’ll take you to PD-nim.” I nodded and followed him.

We walked past many rooms and places, I heard a certain song being played and I smiled, knowing the lyrics and knowing damn well who was in that room. I heard Taehyung’s voice from Spring Day singing ‘You know it all, you’re my best friend.’ We walked passed the room and to a room that looked like an office door. ‘No shit Sherlock.’ I said to myself. We stopped and In-Jung turned to me. “This is his office, just knock on the door and tell him who you are. I hope to see you more often, I’d like to be friends.” He smiled at me and left me alone.

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