Don't you like decoration?

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  Bowsette put her hair up into a messy bun, she turned her head, and nodded, "Perfect." She walked to her wardrobe and put on a dark grey evening gown. She put on her heels with a spike on the top of the vamp and walked out of her room.

  She stopped almost immediately when she saw koopas and Peach changing the red carpet for a pale blue carpet and exchanging the tapestries for white tapestries with blue Bowser faces on the.  Peach walked up to Bowsette, a smile on her face, "Do you like it?"

  Bowsette facepalmed and growled, "How did you do this?"

"Well, I got the ko-"

  "NO!" Bowsette roared the koopas retreated into their shells and Peach did her best not to shake, "How. Did. You. Convince them?!"

  "Th-they wanted to." Peach shrugged.

  Bowsette picked up a koopa by their shell and waited to see the eyes of a koopa inside, "Is. This. True?" The koopa kept shaking and didn't answer, "IS IT?!"

  "Y-y-yes your gr-grace." the koopa stammered.

  Bowsette spun the shell around her finger, "And yet, none of you asked me, I'm kinda hurt." Bowsette walked around the room, avoiding the koopa shells, "What should I do? Let you guys go free?" The koopas nodded, Peach nodded too, Bowsette glanced at the group, and laughed, "How cute," she laughed harder, the group started to awkwardly laugh, "NO!" the koopas retreated back into their shells, Peach shook, and Bowsette tossed the koopa.

  "WHY WOULD I EVER LET YOU GO?" she picked up Peach and showed her to the koopas,

  Peach shook, she knew Bowsette would be mad, but what if she murdered the koopas because of what Peach pulled them into. Peach felt tears start to fall, but she did her best to say, "They didn't do anything, it was me, I pulled them into it." She sniffled, it was the only thing keeping her from completely breaking down.

  Bowsette sighed, "No, your grace, it was us, we wanted to surprise you." The koopas began to plead.

  Bowsette grabbed the bridge of her nose and yelled, "SILENCE!" She rubbed her head, the group was driving her insane, "You wanted to 'surprise' me." Bowsette put Peach down and sighed, "Castles usually shouldn't be decorated like this," Peach and the koopas lowered their heads, "But," the group raised their heads, "I'll allow it for now," the group cheered up and smiled, "Do it again though and it's the dungeon, with all of you." The koopas quickly nodded and left. Peach stood there and giggled at the sight of koopas running back to their rightful places.

  Bowsette rolled her eyes, the princess was going to be more of a hassle than she imagined. Bowsette put a hand through her hair and sighed, "This castle..." She looked down to see Peach staring at her, "What, don't tell me you like what you see?" Bowsette teased.

  Peach flinched backwards, "NO, it's nothing like that at all!"

  Bowsette crossed her arms and tilted her head, "What is it then?"

Peach shook a bit, she wasn't use to being teased, "Nothing." she squeaked.

  Bowsette laughed, "Okay, then let's go to dinner."

  Peach followed Bowsette, but tried to keep great distance between them, Bowsette took notice of the distance, and wrapped her tail around Peach. Peach yelped as she was pulled closer to Bowsette.

  "What, scared?" Bowsette chuckled, Peach stayed quiet, "It's not like I'll bite." Bowsette leaned down and whispered in Peach's ear, "Unless, you want me to."

  Peach felt her face go hot, she pushed back, and got out of Bowsette's grasp, "No, I'm good!"

  "Then calm down just a little." Bowsette laughed.

  They made it to the dinning room and Peach felt the tension get heavier, she was having dinner with her captor, even Bowser just let her eat in her room. Bowsette sat down and Peach sat opposite of her.

Author's Note

Man, this is probably be one of my longer stories and it's crazy, I hope you have enjoyed reading so far, and I hope you continue to support Hail the Dark Queen as it continues to update, by the way, I don't care if Bowsette is a dead meme!

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