Turning In

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  Luigi talked to all the guests, a smile on his face, but a tinge of worry in his heart. He looked over his shoulder at his shorter older brother, there Mario was, talking to the other guests. He didn't look as sad as he thought, Mario was talking to other guest, a smile on his face. 'He's holding up better than I thought.'

  "It's funny the girl we love, loves another..." Luigi looked up to see Bowser with a faint smile on his face. "The pain hurts no less; but we want to see them happy, so we smile while our hearts are breaking."

  Luigi looked back at Mario, then the koopa king, "Why are you telling me this?"

  Bowser looked down at the taller brother, "Because," he looked at Mario talking to guests. "After all I've done, Mario probably wouldn't listen."

  Luigi's eyes widened, he looked down at the tiles, was he really seen as someone to talk to? Luigi stared at his brother, "You really care about your sister so much to just--let her go?"

  Bowser nodded, "I may seem rude to you, but my family is the one thing I'll never give up caring about." Bowser's tone seemed to shift as he spoke about his family, it seemed kinder. "As long as my family is happy, I am too, it's odd, isn't it. I-"

  "Ahem." A quiet voice chirped, they turned to see the shy sorceress there, standing with the most confidence Bowser had seen in ages. She looked tired though, here eyes welling up with tears, her lip quivering, "I am guilty of a crime..." Bowser's eyes widened at her sudden words. "Your highness, I need you to either put me in prison or present me to her grace and let her grace decide my fate!"

  "Wait Magikoopaette, let's calm down there!" Bowser frantically tried to get Magikoopaette to quiet down, Luigi just stood there, confused as to what was exactly going on. "Luigi, just enjoy the party, I'll  take care of this."

  "I need to go through the normal procedure just like every other citizen!" Her voice getting closest to a roar her voice had ever gotten.

  Bowser nodded, leading her to the garden. There Bowsette sat with Peach under the tree, he quietly ahemed to get their attention, but they didn't flinch. Bowser sighed, he spoke up, "Sister."

  Bowsette opened her eyes and looked up to see her brother and the sorceress. "Oh, hey Bowser, what-"

  "Your grace!" Magikoopaette cried, not giving Bowsette a chance to finish her statement. "Lock me up!"

  Bowsette and Peach's eyes widened, Bowsette got up, "What do you-"

  "I have committed a crime, so lock me up!" 

  Bowsette could hear the desperation in the small sorceress's voice. "What--crime?" Peach almost walked over to her, but Bowsette stopped her with her tail.

  "I--I-- I have committed treason." Magikoopaette was so quiet that barely anyone could hear her, tears threatening to fall. "I-I almost betrayed you, I almost betrayed the kingdom. It would've been in shambles, I would have destroyed your lives! Lock. Me. Up." She struggled to speak through choked sobs as held back tears fell uncontrollably.

  Bowsette could only look at the ground, she felt like crying, she felt like she was dying. Tears hit the ground, her body started shaking; she had to hold herself back from ripping the person she once called a friend apart. "Why?" Her voice quivered. Magikoopaette looked up, unable to speak. "WHY?" Her voice was pained, she was nearly roaring. "Why would you do it?"

  Magikoopaette looked down, her reason was selfish, she knew it. "Power," her voice trailed off as she continued. "I wanted power, I was and am tired of being pushed around, I just wanted to show I could be powerful too... I took it in a horrible direction though, I let the desire for it take over and.... it's just selfish, it's not anything more!"

  Peach covered her mouth, while she listened to Magikoopaette ramble. Bowsette shook even more, she did hesitate with her response though, "Lock her up, I'll plan a date."

  Bowser took the sorceress out of Bowsette and Peach's site without questioning what his sister said.

  Peach was shaking, what happened slowly sinking in. "Wh-what are you--planning?"

  Bowsette couldn't lift her head, she looked at the ground, reality sinking in more each second. "An execution."

Hail the Dark Queen | Peach x BowsetteWhere stories live. Discover now