A Tongue Tied Sister

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  Bowser quietly knocked on the door separating him from his sister, "Dinner is ready." he looked away for a moment, before looking back up, no response. He waited a moment longer and the door creaked open, there stood Bowsette, dressed in a black cocktail dress and bowtie. 

  "Thank you." She knew if she didn't ask at dinner, there was no chance that she would be able to ask any time soon.

  She wiped off her dress, slowly opening the dining hall doors. Her heart was pounding and thoughts raced, she needed this to go right. There Peach sat, she turned, a forced smile on her face. Bowsette attempted to smile back, she sat across from the pink girl, the tension continuing to crush her.

  Dinner was silent, only adding to the tension; Bowsette barely ate, her stomach committing backflips. "Want to -- go to the garden?"

  Bowsette pleaded this would relieve some of the tension while waiting for her girlfriend's reply.

  A sigh escaped Peach's lips, getting out of her seat she responded, "Sure." She started walking away, not even waiting for Bowsette. The girl quickly got out of her seat and followed after Peach.

  They walked for a while, the garden's tranquility not fully reaching them. Bowsette kept her distance, the pink girl ahead didn't say a word. She suddenly stopped though; Bowsette looked up, Peach was facing her, her arms crossed. 

  She was confused for a second until she noticed the look in Peach's eyes. Bowsette scratched the back of her head as she started to sweat, "Well, um," she fumbled for the box, her heart racing. "I really--" she took a deep breath, she let her heart slow down, and got on one knee. She looked up at her girlfriend's ocean-like eyes and opened it, a flower-shaped ring was inside, Peach's face became red and she covered her mouth. "Will you -- marry me?"

  Tears pricked the pink girl's eyes, her lips trembled as they formed a smile. She Jumped up, hugging Bowsette, "Yes! Of course, I will!" They fell over and Peach kissed her now fiancée, pulling away she smiled gently. "Bow, why were you so scared to ask?"

  Bowsette turned scarlet, turning away, "Well... I just... I didn't want to end up having you say no."

  Peach sighed as she looked into her sad eyes, planting a kiss on her lips she said, "I love you, why would I say no?"

  Bowsette chuckled, kissing Peach, "Stupid nerves, I guess, sorry Peachy."

  Peach shook her head and kissed Bowsette again, "Bow..."

Author's Note

  So sorry for this taking so long, real life is just... really tough right now, I'm sorry. I'll do my best for these not to take so long next time. I love you all, hope you've all been well, be safe!

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