Quit The Act

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  Peach slowly opened her eyes, the sun shining through the window. She smiled, Bowsette standing over her, she slowly rose, and gave Bowsette a peck on the lips. "Morning, sleepy princess." Bowsette giggled.

  "Morning, Bow." Peach yawned and stretched her arms. " So, what did you decide on?"

  Bowsette smiled, "Well, I decided not to execute her -- she just -- can't use magic anymore."

  Peach wrapped her arms around Bowsette's neck, a smile on her face, "I'm proud of you, you did the right thing."

  Bowsette held Peach's cheek and rested her forehead on hers. "She's just gonna have to live like most of the kingdom does."

  Peach closed her eyes, a sense of tranquility filled her, "We don't have to talk about this now, let's just... enjoy being together."

  Bowsette hugged Peach closer and let her eyes close too, "Okay."


  Magikoopaette sat in the infirmary, Piranhaette's back to her. "I-"

  "Don't ssspeak to me, I'm your teacher now, and after the ssstunt you tried to pull; ssspeaking ssshould be the lassst thing on your mind!" She grimaced at the magicless girl that sat before her, all she did was walk up to Magikoopaette, and push some papers to her chest. "Thessse are sssome medicccinesss we'll be learning becaussse I'm not healing you!"

  Magikoopaette bit her lip, she hadn't just lost Bowsette's trust, but everyone's, fantastic. "Okay..."

  Piranhaette tugged Magikoopaette out of her seat by the arm and led her to a table cluttered with different berries, flowers, and herbs. "Thisss isss where your lesssonsss will take placcce." She arranged a few herbs and berries in front of them, "Thisss isss all you need for a sssimple pain reducccer."

  "But, you -- you barely have a-anything!" Magikoopaette looked at the lack of ingredients, her face almost disgusted.

  "Look do you want to be able to make your own medicccine or go untreated no matter what state you're in."

  "I-I'll learn!"

  "Good." Piranhaette picked up a small navy berry, then dropped it into a small marble mortar. She glared at Magikoopaette, "Well? What are you waiting for? Follow along!"

  Magikoopaette straightened her posture, "Ma'am yes ma'am!" She quickly picked up a navy berry with her shaking hand and dropped it in her mortar.

  After they put the other herbs and berries in, they crushed it into powder. Piranhaette carefully poured the powder into a small container and sealed it, "There, now we're done."

  "What?" Magikoopaette looked at the container with astonishment. "You're kidding!"

  The red haired girl shook her head, "You jussst put it in some tea and it'll work wondersss."

  "Well, I g-guess th-that's nice to kn-know." Magikoopaette shyly smiled.

  Piranhaette's gaze narrowed, she slammed a piranha plant hand on the table, "I know you don't actually have a ssstutter, it'sss an act, and I hate it!"

  Magikoopaette looked down, she wished she had her hat right then, so she could hide her face. She gritted her teeth, "Damn it, fine." She looked back at the tall red head, her posture less meek, "I have a little act, so what? It did me good before."

  "And?" Magikoopaette raised an eyebrow, "What good will it do you now?" She fell silent, Piranhaette continued, "You aren't trusted anymore and no one is gonna trust the act anymore, so -- why hide behind this meek facade?" Piranhaette could see Magikoopaette's puzzlement, but brushed it off. "Why not learn to actually care for yourself and stop trying to use an act to get what you want."


  Magikoopaette flipped through her book, a guard standing by the door. She kept thinking of Piranhaette's words, "To hell with that, like she knows anything!" She turned another page, her grip getting tighter every page she turned. "I live in an act? It's useless? I think not, that act has helped me all my life, not with all people, but it got people to feel sorry for me and help me, it-"

  "Magikoopaette?" She glanced up, her gaze softened, she stopped herself from talking more, and loosened her grip. "What are you reading?" The pink princess sat across from her.

  "Nothing important, sure you wouldn't care much, Peach." She grumbled.

  Peach lowered her head to read the cover, "Do you mind if I have a peak?"

  Magikoopaette put the book flat on the table, "Sure, what the heck."

  Peach looked at the pages, but they didn't seem to be in a language she knew. "Um, do you know what language this possibly is in?"

  "It's in a language commonly used for spells, I don't even really know the name of it, I just know how to read it."

  Peach sat up again, "Well, sorry to have bothered you from your reading time, I just -- wanted to give you this."

  Peach laid a small book on the table, Magikoopaette picked it  up, studying what it could possibly be, "What is it?"

  "It's just a short story I thought you would enjoy." Peach got out of the chair and started heading towards the door.

  Magikoopaette looked down at the tiny book and then the princess, "Hey," Peach turned to the confused girl. "Why -- why are you giving this to me?"

  Peach sighed, her hand on the doorknob, "I want to believe you can be better, I truly do. I hope you can be at least." 

  Magikoopaette heard the door close and slumped down into her chair. She held the book in front of her face and squinted, "Dawn, dusk, and times that lost." She glared with disgust, "Sounds like a cheesy romance novel, but -- she did give it to me, so it can't hurt to at least read on page."

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