Take A Break

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  Bowsette sat in her study, books stacked in front of her like mountains on one side and hills of paper on the other. She held her head in one hand, she had more to handle than she remembered. Her head was pounding, hands shaking, and hair frizzed. She felt like another flood of work would drown her any minute, it was getting outrageous.

  A quiet knock just about caught her attention, "Come in."

  Her head down and eyes on her work, she heard the door open. No one spoke, she couldn't guess who her guest was, all she could hear was quiet breathing and a few footsteps. She finally realized when two arms wrapped around her, holding her tight.

  "Peach, did something happen?" The girl's tight grip tightened around her, she dropped her quill and turned her head. Peach didn't respond, she was looking down, and her breathing was shaky. Bowsette sighed, she kept her voice gentle, but it held traces of disappointment, "What happened?"

  Peach bit her lip, she nearly could've drawn blood, her blue eyes hidden by her bangs. "I-- missed you." Bowsette's eyes widened, she had been doing more and more work lately, but she couldn't have been gone that long, had she? Peach wasn't letting go by the look of things, she trembled as her grip got tighter, "You've just seemed to be-- pushing yourself lately. I don't see you anymore."

  Bowsette's eyes shifted to the papers on her desk, then back to the trembling girl, 'I must've scared her half to death, she hasn't looked like this since--" she could still see how Peach looked that day, blank eyes and on the brink of passing out. 'Poor girl, how could I have done this to her?'

  Bowsette stood up and held the trembling princess close, "I'm sorry," Peach still hid her face, "I should've taken some time off or just spent a bit more time with you."

  Peach peaked her head up at her, "I just--" she sighed, glancing to the side, "I just want you to be alright."

  Bowsette grinned, the bags under her eyes not catching any of her attention. "Aw, I made the little Peach worry."

  Peach didn't notice the faint pink on her cheeks, her mind more focused on refuting her, "Hey!" Bowsette couldn't stop herself from chuckling, "I'm seriously worried about you!"

  "I know, I know, I'm sorry." she patted Peach's hair with a tinge of guilt, "It was too hard to resist."

  Peach sighed, then looked back to the side, I just-- I want you to be okay." Bowsette leaned her forehead against Peach's and let out a quiet hm. "Promise me to take a break?"

  Bowsette kissed Peach's forehead, then released her from her grasp, "I promise."

  Peach weakly smiled, "Thank you." she closed the door behind her before letting herself fall to her knees. "She's getting worse..." She looked out the window, tears pricked her eyes, "Please say she'll take a break," her breath hitched, "please..." The hall seemed to get colder as she quietly pleaded to someone or something for Bowsette's safety.

Hail the Dark Queen | Peach x BowsetteWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu