Chapter 15 Wedding

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Arabella kicked the towel out of the way. She slumped on the pool chair as she watched Usra swim laps. Her beautiful body breaks the water with ease and elegance.

Arabella sighed images of her parents flashed through her mind. She closed her eyes and laid her head back. Her body tensed as the image of her father the day before he ended his life flashed in front of her.

"My little soldiers" he called her.

"Hey Dad" she hugged him.

"You finally grew up my protector" he caressed her cheeks.

She looked at him in surprise there was a strange light in his eyes. She didn't know at that time but looking back she knew that glow had come with the realization he was escaping hell.

"Remember me with kindness, my little soldier" he requested.

"Dad I'm going to be just 3 hours ride away from you." she assured him "Maybe in a few months once I have my own place you can stay with me" She squeezed his hand.

His smile faltered for a few moments his eyes glazed out "Maybe" he whispered.

"Dad are you alright?" she asked worried.

He shook his head and smiles "I have never been better. Knowing that you will be far away from here at a safe distance gives me a lot of joy" he declared and hugged her.

"Dad I will never be far from you ...." she was cut off mid-sentence as her father placed a hand on her mouth.

"Promise me, sweetheart, no matter what happens you will not return to this place" he demanded.

"Dad... " she tried to speak but her father stopped her.

"Just give me your word darling" He requested.

She sighed "As long as you are living here I will come back. Once you start living with me we will never see this place ever again. I promise" she declared.

A warm smile spread across his lips. He hugged her "My little soldier".

That was the last time she had seen her father alive. Two days after she started college her uncle called her to inform her that her father had killed himself. Tears ran down Arabella's face as the memory played.

A familiar soft hand squeezed her shoulder forcing her to open her eyes. She stared into the concerned eyes of her lover.

"What is it honey?" she questioned as she wiped her tears away.

Arabella pulled her down on her lap hugging her seeking comfort in her arms. "I'm sorry we argued last night" she apologized.

"Apology accepted" Usra declared. "But the tears are not because of our argument. Something is troubling you please tell me what it is?" she pleaded.

"ahem" someone cleared their throat to get the couple's attention.

Usra turned at the same time as Arabella shifted to adjust their position. "Mara" Usra almost screamed in surprise.

"Hello Mara," Arabella greeted her.

Soon a lot of embraces followed as they happily laughed and squealed.

"When did you return? " Usra questioned.

"last night, we set a date" she happily declared.

"Oh wow," Arabella smiled.

Usra was silent she wasn't sure she agreed with Mara's choice. She had met her fiance a couple of times and she noticed his care and concern for Mara but nothing else beyond that whereas Mara was in love. Usra didn't like that but she was aware of how the world worked not everyone was lucky enough to find love. And very few received the reciprocation, her eyes settled on Arabella and a smile spread on her lips.

"Will you keep staring at your girlfriend or will you give me some time too" Mara teased.

Arabella pulled her close to herself. "Come on let's go in" she invited Mara.

"I hope you don't have plans for the afternoon" Usra inquired.

"Nope my afternoon is free to be spent with the two of you" she declared.

"Good I'm getting lunch prepared, you two chat I will be back in a few" she declared as she walked away towards her bedroom.

Mara watched her go and turned to Arabella "It seems like you two are settled well" she enquired.

"It seems so" She replied.

"Oh common on don't be like Gyan" she complained.

Arabella laughed "Is he giving you trouble?" she asked.

"He is so tight-lipped can't get a squeak out of him" she complained as she collapsed on the sofa.

"What is he not squeaking about? " Arabella questioned.

"That's what I want to know" she declared " He is different somehow" she added.

"What do you mean? " Arabelle questioned.

Mara sat up on the edge of her seat thinking "It's nothing explicit you know" She began "It's the smallest things. I have never known him to sit at the breakfast table for more than the time needed. But the other day he sat till we all finished breakfast. And then last night when I was discussing the wedding plans with the boys Gyan was in a different world. In the last few days, I have noticed him being more absent than ever in his life" she explained.

"Maybe he is thinking about the launch of the new clothing line, many business probabilities, as well as outcomes, could be playing in his head" Arabella defended her friend.

"Maybe" Mara agreed and slumped back on the sofa not completely convinced. She had lived with Gyan, they have been too close to not know each other's thoughts. She also knew Arabella too well to not notice her squirm listening to her observation. Mara knew immediately something was up, but she didn't want to put Arabella in a defensive mode then she would get nothing out of her.

"Well, how's the wedding plan progressing," Usra asks as she settled next to Arabella. Watching them together made Mara happy. The love they experienced surrounded them and their home. She smiled at the tiny woman who had Arabella wrapped around her fingers.

"My wedding planner is drowning in the details" she winked.

Usra laughed "It must be difficult for you not to drown yourself in the details" she teased.

"Nope I'm going to sit back and enjoy my wedding" Mara declared.

Arabella laughed "Well at least one good thing has come out of your wedding, you are not a control freak anymore" she teased.

Mara scowled "I'm organized not a control freak"

Arabella laughed, Usra smiled and Mara shook her head as laughter built inside her.

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