no more options for masterbating

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We got into the room where Kabuto was, he stood across from a chained Garra.

He stepped back and smiled at us, he looked even more like a snake, still had that awful scar from the chunin exams. "Sasuke-kun, so good to see you... and just in time, too."

"Sasuke, his chakra core is red in the middle now and his chakra is rising at an alarming rate." Shit. Hinata was basically saying that Kabuto now had the one tails inside him.

"Is Garra alive?" I asked. She nodded, but Kabuto chuckled, "Not for long."

I pointed at him angrily, "Fuck you, no gingers are dying on my watch."

He looked down at his hand. "You know... I eventually had to regrow this arm completely from the damage. Maybe I should return the favor."

My eyes widened as he just appeared in front of me. He grabbed my wrist and threw his other foot out, sending me flying back so hard my back shattered the wall and I fell to a knee.

Blood ran freely from my arm, but it didnt hurt... and I couldnt hear...or see, oh fuck I'm in shock.

I moved my head up, I saw red energy slamming into a different red energy. I couldnt tell what was happening, then I saw pink.

"S-Sakura?" I rapped, my vision sharpened and my hearing returned.

Sakura was knelt in front of me, hand over my left arm, or more accurately where my arm used to be. "FUCKING CANADIAN HOOKERS ON A TUESDAY!" Sakura ignored my outburst.

My fucking arm. Really? How the hell am I going to use my bow? How am I going to get any left hand strange? Shitty raisins in my fucking Halloween basket!

The wound sealed closed just as Sakura started sweating and breathing heavily.

"Okay, your... I was going to say 'arm' but..." I gave her a withering look, "-um... you eont bleed to death? Silver lining?"

I allowed Sakura to help me to my feet and looked over at Naruto, who was in his five tailed form, a blood red being with bones sticking from the red and black chakra.

Kabuto had red eyes and energy pouring off him, the fight was certainly impressive. Every blow sent a shockwave through the building and the building started to shake. "We need to go, get Hinata and we'll get those kids out. There's no stopping Naruto like this. Kabuto cant win, because Naruto isnt even close to his full strength right now." She nodded and grabbed Hinata, who didnt want to leave, so I grabbed her wrist with my good hand.

"Hinata, we gotta go! Naruto will be fine, I've already lost a goddamn arm!" I yelled at her, still fully pissed about that.

The three of us fled, grabbing as many kids as we could and when we got outside we turned and looked at the base, a beam of bright red energy burst through the roof, then started moving and cutting through the building randomly.

Soon it headed for us and I moved quickly. I activated my mangekyo sharingan and forced my Susanoo and braced myself against the powerful energy beam. The susanoo cracked but didnt break, and the base exploded, the red combatants flying out at the speed of sound.

Naruto grabbed Kabuto and hurled him into the ground so hard that the entire base was obliterated and it sank into the ground. A beam of energy shot from Naruto's mouth and drilled into Kabuto.

I had to shield my eyes and Sakura put her hand on my back, "Is he okay?"

Blood started trickling from my eyes and the winds, debris,  and concussive forces slammed into my Susanoo, straining it. "I hope so..." I whispered, absentmindedly rubbing the spot where my arm used to be. I wonder if I could grow it back the way Naruto did? Or maybe I could experiment a bit? I'll figure something out, probably.

Finally, Naruto roared, and brought his arms down on Kabuto, creating a massive dustcloud.

Kabuto sunk into the ground, escaping easily.

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