Your Coming Out Stories: 13

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this is from @TankFortress25

"hi there! i'm not going to say my name, so just call me Aech(pronounced H). i'm 13, and i'm turning 14 this year. I'm panromantic, and gender fluid. my pronouns are they, Aech, or my username(or my name if you know it). i started questioning my sexuality a long time ago, denied it, and then completely forgot about it until a few weeks back. i have been a strange lad for quite a long time now. my greatest pet peeve is wasting time, and when people waste my out to a lot of my friends, and anybody who reads my book. i haven't had any of my friends ditch me for being LGBT+ so far, so thats amazing as hell. i'm pretty depressed, and the only time that i haven't been really depressed in the past year was when i stayed up reading LGBT+ memes for 7 hours one night. *the next day was the best day i have had in years*i was living with my dad up until tuesday. i have been for a few months. (my parents are divorced btw)so me and my dad got in an argument and in the aftermath i wound up coming out to my dad.he thought it was an excuse, and when i told him it wasn't, he moved on to something else as if nothing had even happened. he didn't even react to it other then to say that it was an excuse.i moved back in with my mom that day.*i'm not out to my mom yet*some of the people in my class are pretty stupid, because a few people in were making fun of the various genders in the LGBT+ community during science one time, and i got so pissed after having to listen to them insulting me and various other people in my class, that i yelled "get out, or shut the fuck up" really loudly, and then they stopped for a while. at the time i felt like Andy from the office when he punched through the wall the first time, but i was angry for a better reason then my phone being stuck in the ceiling.

the thing is, the people who were making fun of the LGBT+ community still don't know that i'm a member of it.*ain't that funny*

so yeah, thats it.this is probably confusing af"

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