Your Coming Out Stories: 14

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This is @Z3R01320 's story

"I'm Shivani, but I go by Sam mainly. I use they/them pronouns (gender fluid), I'm 13, almost 14 and bi/pan (I go bi either, don't ask me why, I can't tell you)So when I came out to my parents it was in an average conversation. We were at an Indian restaurant like every Sunday and we had brought up the topic about my lesbian aunts who had a star wars themed wedding not long before that. I was like 'I wish they had invited us, I love star wars!' And me mum asked me about the fact that they're both lesbians. Me dad replied with '-insert mum's name here-, she's got a girlfriend' and I'm just like wut how does he know? And my sister, as if reading my mind, said 'He still has our phones tapped, idiot' and I just bashed my head against the table. I'm not out to my parents about the gender fluid thing though.

Coming out to my friends was completely different. We were sitting in my room playing video games, like every Monday afternoon, to de-stress. I had three friends over, all of them were guys, and one of them asked why I have a weird coloured flag on my wall and I froze. My other friend was like 'dude, she's bi' and because friend was raised in a homophobic household (which I found out later) he up and left, claiming me to be an idiot. My other two friends were chill about it and I had also told them about being gender fluid. I had gotten a blue, green and a pink ring from friend the next day and he explained that if I'm a girl wear the pink one, a boy wear the blue one and other/neutral, wear the green one so they know which pronouns to use. Later friend came back and apologised, saying that he accepts me, he just didn't know how to react. A few months later he came out as pan and we're all happy now."

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