Chapter 1-The betrayal; the first encounter

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"How long are ya planning to run from us Sennen?" The thug asked.

"What's the matter Yami, you're scared?!" The second thug asked.

"Get off my back!" Yami shouted.

"Get back here and quit running ya bastard!" The thug shouted.

Yami ran through the Alley and hit a dead end.

"Hahahahahahaha! We got ya cornered spiky head. Are ya gonna come quietly, or are ya gonna get your ass kicked?" The thug asked.

"I'm not scared of any of you, do your worse!" Yami said as he stood his ground.

"Okay, it's your funeral jackass. Let's get him boys." The thug said.

He pulled out a pocket knife and ran towards Yami.

But he was able to dodge them by jumping on top of the dumpster behind him.

"What the hell?!" The thug asked as he saw Yami jumped over their heads.

"You pussy! Get back here and fight like a man!" The thug said as he and his gang ran towards him.

Yami noticed the trash cans, he pulled one of them out of the line, laid it down and kicked it by knocking the thugs down on the ground and ran for his life.

"Now who's the pussy?" Yami asked as he looked behind himself and started running.

Then He took a shortcut to his mansion.

"I'm exhausted, I've been running from those creeps for Ra knows how long. I wonder if Awai is still mad at me?" Yami asked himself as he was in deep thought.

"Mr. Sennen, you are back from your walk?" Shadi asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Yami asked.

"Well, Ms. Awai..." Shadi was cut off when they heard a strange sound coming from upstairs.

"Do you hear that Mr. Sennen?" Shadi asked.

"Yes and it's coming from upstairs." Yami said as he went upstairs to follow the sound which led him to his bedroom.

He opened the door and saw Awai getting busy with another man.

"What in the name of Ra?!" Yami snapped.

"Yami, I can explain!" Awai said as she tried to get him to calm down.

"How dear you?! Is this what you've been doing the entire time?! CHEATING ON ME?!" Yami asked angrily.

"Yami, I was going to tell you!" Awai said as she started to panic.

"And who in the name of Ra are you buster?!" Yami asked as he turned his attention to the other man.

"Yami, this is ex boyfriend." Awai said.

"Wait, so you're sleeping around with your ex boyfriend? You lucky whore!" Yami said.

"Yami please!" Awai tried pleading with him, but it wasn't enough.

"Don't start pleading with me now, you got what you wanted. Cheat on me with another man while I was running for my life trying to get away from those bastards on the streets who wanted my hotel and you're in my house screwing with your ex boyfriend. That's real smart, if you wanted to go back with him, you should've just said so, instead of using me as a rebound to satisfy you and get my money!" Yami said angrily.

"Yami..." Awai said as she started to say something else, but was cut off.

"Do you want me to call the staff and have them escorted sir?" Shadi asked.

"Yes." Yami answered.

"No, Yami don't do this!" Awai shouted.

"Don't tell me what I can or can't do! Get your clothes on, get all of your stuff and get out! You and that bastard behind you can go to hell!" Yami said angrily.

"Yami, I'm begging you!" Awai begged as she got down on her knees and begged him to forgive her.

Hasani started to say something, but Shadi came into the room with the security and had both Awai and Hasani escorted out of the mansion.

The staff came into the room as well and Yami had them to gather all of Awai's things and toss them outside.

"See to that Awai don't come back here." He said.

"Yes Mr. Sennen." Shadi said.

Three weeks had passed since Awai cheated on Yami and he hadn't been himself since then.

When he went home after work, everybody in his mansion asked if he was alright, but he would glare at them with an angry yet sad look on his face and walk away as he retires to his office.

Everybody in his mansion felt sorry for him, especially Shadi.

What Awai did to Yami was unforgivable, she lived with him in his mansion for six months, then she brought her exboyfriend and started cheating on him.

Yami could never forgive her for that betrayal, for he will find happiness and joy in his life and Shadi will see to that he does, for he had high hopes for his Naga master as well as everybody in his mansion.

It was a peaceful afternoon in Tokyo, Yugi Moto applied for a job at Sennen Marriott's dining area as a waiter.

He always been alone since high school and he used to live with his grandpa who owned a game store in Domino city, he moved to Tokyo after applying for college and found an apartment building called Naga 16.

"Enjoy your meal!" Yugi said as he gave the customers their plate of food.

"Thank you!" They said.

"Yugi, take this to room 203." The chef said as he handed him a cart full of food.

"Yes sir!" Yugi said as he took the food cart and made his way to the lobby towards the elevator.

Then Yami Sennen entered the Marriott and made his way to the dining area where he got a seat at the bar.

"Mr. Sennen, I'm surprised to see you here." The bar tender said.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be here?" He asked.

"I take it you're not in a good mood today." The bartender asked as he realized his boss didn't looked happy.

"No I'm not and I rather not talk about it." Yami said coldly.

"Okay then, can I get you something to drink?" The bartender asked.

"Red wine please." Yami answered.

The bartender got a glass and the wine bottle and poured it for Yami.

Yugi got off the elevator and made his way back to the dining area and started assisting other customers.

Yami turned around as he saw the boy taking orders.

"Hey, who's that boy over there with the same hair as mine?" Yami asked the bartender.

"That's Yugi Moto, he just started working here two weeks ago." He said.

"I see, a rookie. He must be the one I saw not long ago, have him to come here." Yami ordered.

"But Mr. Sennen, he's quite busy at the moment." The bartender said as he saw Yugi went in the kitchen.

"You dare to challenge my order?" Yami asked as he raised his eyebrow at the bartender.

"No sir." He said.

"Then do as I say and bring that boy to me, now." Yami ordered.

"Yes sir." The bartender said as he left Yami alone to get Yugi.

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