Chapter 23- Brooklyn rage! Enter Joey Wheeler part 2

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Previously, on The love of a Naga master and the Pure hearted angel.

"These two gentleman are being very rude, they brought in alcohol and tobacco and assaulted Ryou on his first day." Donovan said.

"We want female waiters serving us, not that white haired chump!" The angry man said.

Then Shadi began whispering in Yugi's ear.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you two gentleman to leave." He said he stood up to them.

"What are you gonna do about you spikey headed twerp?" The man said as he walked up to Yugi and was going to grab him by his shirt, until he was stopped by Shadi.

"You shall not harm Mr. Moto!" He said.

"Outta my way freak!" The man said.

"Eh yo! Leave 'em alone or I'll bash ya face in!" The voice said with a New York accent.

"What?!" The man said as he turned around.

"Brooklyn rage!" The voice said as he punched the man in the face.

"Yugi, Shadi, Ryou and Donovan looked at the man and looked at the blonde haired fellow who saved them.

"Joey!" Yugi said surprisingly.

"Aw right, who's else wants some?!" He asked.

"You're gonna pay for that you punk!" The other man said as he run up to him.

Then Joey counter attack him by punching him in his stomach.

"Unless ya don't wanna butt whooping, don't show ya ugly faces again! Now get the hell outta here!" Joey said.

The two men pissed their pants and ran out of the cafe for their lives.


"Hey Joey!" Yugi said.

"Eh Yuge, Ryou, long time no see." Joey said.

"What brings you here to Tokyo?" Ryou asked.

"I came here because Yami called me and told me he was gonna give me a job and a place ta stay." Joey said.

When Yugi, Ryou Donovan and Shadi heard Joey said Yami's name, they was shocked.

"Ah Joey, welcome to the Naga cafe." Yami said as he approached them.

"Eh Yami, I was gettin' ready ta look for ya." Joey said cheerfully.

"I had some business to deal with at my hotel, I'm sorry I was a little late getting here." Yami said.

"Ain't no big deal, I'm ready ta be interviewed." Joey said cheerfully.

"Then let's go to my office, Donovan give Ryou an ice bag." Yami said.

"Yes sir." Donovan said.

While he dealt with Ryou, the three men went to Yami's office to interview Joey.

"Alright, let's see your resume." Yami said.

"Here ya go! I got it just like you told me." Joey said as he handed him his resume with a smile on his face.

"Excellent!" Yami said as he took it from him and started reading it.

Shadi started noticing that Yugi was looking a bit tense.

"Are you alright Mr. Moto?" He asked.

Yugi looked at him and talked to him about what he was feeling, but Shadi knew what he was feeling had something to do with Yami, so he thought of a way to get Yugi and himself alone without talking behind Yami's back and in front of Joey.

"Mr. Moto, let's go to your office." Shadi said.

"Okay." Yugi said as he and Shadi walked away to Yugi's office, leaving Yami suspicious while reading Joey's resume.

"So, you and Yugi went to the same high school together?" He asked.

"Yeah, we go way back, he's like a little brother ta me." Joey said cheerfully.

"I see, and you worked at a beef noodles shop." Yami said as he looked at the resume.

"Yeah, I worked there for a year and a half ta pay for my dad's gamblin debts." Joey said as his smile disappeared.

"Yes, you told me about that." Yami said.

"Yeah, I came here to get away from him because he's drunkin' alcoholic with a gamblin problem, he and my mom split because of his addiction and my mom took my little sister to live with her, she had really bad eyes since she was born and I hadda work an extra shift at the shop to pay for her operation, but every time I triedda  save money ta pay for my sister's operation, my dad takes it ta spend it on alcohol and go gamblin wit it and won't pay for the money he owed from those loan sharks and I hadda  pickup the slack for him, I had ta pay for the rent and bills at our apartment because of him, then Yugi's grandpa offered me another job at his game shop after school even though I knew it was forbidden by school rules ta apply for a job, but I need that money and I got paid pretty good bit, then Yugi was able to help me pay for my sister's operation." Joey said.

"And then what happened?" Yami asked.

"After I paid for my sister's eye operation, my dad came ta the game shop and made a huge fuss about me workin there, he wanted me ta quit workin there and keep workin at noodles shop so that he spend all of my money on alcohol and gamblin, I promised myself that I would save enough money ta leave my dad and move ta Tokyo after I graduate from school." Joey said.

"Did it worked?" Yami asked.

"It worked, it worked when I had ta dodge my dad and crash at my best friend best Tristan's place and keep workin at the noodles shop ta save some more money, my biggest regrets is lettin my dad go ta Yugi's grandpa's store and harassin him and he didn't just harassed him, he assaulted him and Yugi about me workin there, he even went ta the noodle shop lookin for me and harassin the owners there, they hadda call the police ta have him arrested and Yugi's grandpa went ta the hospital for panic attack, because of my dad, he almost died. I called mom and told her what happened, she told me not ta pay for a lawyer ta bail him because he will never change and after she told me that, I didn't dare go back to my apartment buildin, because I had a feelin he'll break out of jail, saw me staying there and kick my butt, so I stayed at Tristan's until I can make the move." Joey said.

"And it looked like I did what I told you when we first met." Yami said.

"Yeah, I saved enough money, got paid, quit workin at the noodles shop and made the move ta come here, but all my stuff is at my apartment in Domino and I have a gut feelin that my dad might've broken outta jail and hidin out over there." Joey said.

"I can arrange a moving crew for and have all your things delivered to my mansion you can at my pool house." Yami said.

"For real, you have a pool house in your mansion?" Joey asked surprisingly.

"Yes I do, it's more like a guest house and I would let you stay at Naga 16, but it was burned to the ground." Yami said.

"Oh yeah, I heard on the news that somebody burned it down, do you know who did it?" Joey asked.

"Yes, it was one of my employees who used to work for me at my hotel." Yami said.

"Really, what's his name?" Joey asked.

"Jiro Yoshino." Yami answered.

"Jiro Yoshino?" Joey asked.

"Yes, and listen to me carefully, Jiro Yoshino is bad news, the only reason why he burned down Naga 16 was to get back at me for firing him from Sennen's Marriott and for protecting Yugi." Yami said.

"You're protectin  Yugi?" Joey asked.

"Yes, and he's living with me now in my mansion." Yami said.

"No way." Joey said.

"It's true." Yami said.

"I wanna talk ta Yugi, I wanna hear from him." Joey said.

"Let's go talk to him together." Yami said.

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