Chapter 33- Yugi leaves Tokyo; Yami activates his power: MIND CRUSH!!!

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Previously on The love of the Naga Master and the Pure Hearted Angel.

"Damn it!" Joey snapped.

Ryou could see the fire in his eyes and could tell that he was pissed off.

"We gotta put a stop ta this crap." Joey said.

"But how?" Ryou asked.

"Let's go talk ta Yugi first and then we'll go ta da police station, git both of them arrested and save Yami's and Yugi's relationship." Joey said.

"Forget it Joey, there's nothing you or Ryou can do to save our relationship at this point." Yugi said.

"Yes there is, we can have them arrested for threatening your life." Joey said.

"Joey, it's too late. I already called Shadi to let Yami know I'm leaving and I'm breaking with him." Yugi said.

"Ya breaking up wit him?!" Joey asked surprisingly.

"Yes I am, it's the only way for me to survive, Yami risked enough for me and I can't have him lose everything that he worked so hard for." Yugi said.

"But Yugi, you can't give up on him now, we can still fight this." Ryou said.

"Yeah Yug, fight for Yami." Joey said.

"I can't, not when Awai and Mr. Yoshino are walking all over him and while they're plotting to kill me. I love Yami, but I can't be with him anymore." Yugi said sadly as he started shedding tears while fearing for his life.

Joey and Ryou felt bad for him as they hated to see him quit on somebody that he loved.

"Hang in there, pal. It's gonna be awright." Joey said as he gave him a hug, while Ryou rubbed his back.


As day time turns to night time, Yami just received word from Shadi about Yugi going back to Domino tomorrow and not only that, he also received word that he was breaking up with him.

He stayed in his room, sitting on his bed and feeling sorry for himself as he tried to gain confidence and hoped for a miracle.

"Oh Yami🎵" Awai called out to him as she came into the room and locked the door.

Yami looked at her and saw her wearing a sexy lingerie as he sneered at her.

"If you think you're going to wear something sexy and revealing to get me to fall for head over heels in love with you, you're sadly mistaken." He said.

"So you like what you see." Awai said as she misunderstood him.

"I never said that." Yami said.

Awai walked over towards him and climbed on the bed with him.

"Let's have some fun tonight." She said as she smiled devilishly.

"Not after what you did to me last time, what makes you think that I want to be with you again?" Yami asked.

"You deserve to be with a real woman who can satisfy you, not some little boy." Awai said as she pulled him to her, forcing him to kiss her.

"What in the name of Ra are doing?!" Yami asked.

"I want you back Yami Sennen, I want your dick inside me." Awai said.

"Excuse me?!" Yami asked.

"I want to have your baby." Awai answered.

"You're a sick woman!" Yami said angrily as he sneered at her.

"Please Yami, let's start a family together." Awai said.

Yami got off the bed, stormed out of theroom and went downstairs.

"I'm not leaving you again Yami, we will be together whether you like it or not." Awai said as she swore to have Yami all to herself.

Yami went outside to cool his head as he got into his car and cried all night.

"Yugi, I didn't mean to put you through all this mess, please forgive me." Yami said as he cried.

Then he heard somebody knocking on his window and as soon as he opened his door, he saw Awai standing right beside his car.

"Oh my Ra! Please leave me alone, Awai! You had already made things worse than it already is for me!" Yami said as he started to grow irritated with her.

"Not until we have sex first!" Awai said.

"I'm not giving you a child! Now leave me alone!" Yami said angrily.

As soon as he tried to close his door, Awai pulled the door back opened and pulled Yami out of his own car.

"YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHAT! RIGHT NOW!!!!" Awai yelled at him.

"Eh! Git yo hands off him!" Joey shouted as he ran up to her after seeing her pulled Yami out of his car.

"Joey!" Yami shouted.

Then he pushed her out of the way, causing her to fall on the ground.

"You okay?" Joey asked.

"YOU DARE TO INTERFERE WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP?!!!" Awai asked as she stood up and pulled out a gun at Joey.

"Eh! Easy lady! Put that thing away!" He said.


Then Yami yelled out, "You're absolutely pathetic! MIND CRUSH!!!"

Then Awai fell back down on the ground, Shadi came outside and saw that Yami knocked her out unconscious.

"What should we do with her Mr. Sennen?" He asked.

"Take her to the hospital. If they ask what happened to her, tell them she got hit in the head with a baseball bat." Yami said as he and Joey walked around her as they went inside the house.

Shadi did what he was told, put Awai in the car and took her to the hospital, while Yami and Joey talked about their new plan to win Yugi back.

"So, now Awai is on her way to da hospital, what's yo plan on convincing Yugi?" Joey asked.

"We're going to Ryou"s apartment tomorrow morning and tell him that Awai is in the hospital and she can't hurt him anymore." Yami said.

"What are we gonna do about Yoshino?" Joey asked.

"Hopefully, he'll be found by the police, when Awai came here and told me to take Yugi's things to Ryou's apartment, I had an investigator to dig up some dirt on him while he's running Naga cafe. Hopefully, the police will call me or come to the mansion and tell me everything about Yoshino and what he did, because I first know he set apartment building Naga 16 on fire and killed one of the guests at Sennen's Marriott 1. Now I have a suspicion that he killed one of our employees at Naga cafe." Yami said.

"Aw man, I hope they find him out and throw his butt in jail." Joey said.

"Me too Joey, me too." Yami said.

15 minutes later...

"What happened to her?" The doctor asked.

"She was hit in the head with a baseball bat." Shadi answered.

"What's her name?" The doctor asked.

"Her name is Awai Katami and I cannot stay long, I have to go, Take care of her." Shadi said as he ran out of the hospital, leaving the doctor speechless.

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