Mini story- Yugi's lamp: Awaken Yami; MIND CRUSH!!!

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This mini story is kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh season 0 but different, it tells a story about Yugi rubbing a magic lamp that his grandpa gave him to make a magic Genie named Yami appear to him and grants him three true wishes.

Ladies and gentleman, this is Mini- Yugi's lamp: Awaken Yami; MIND CRUSH!!!

Yugi Moto was just an average kid in Domino high school and nobody but his childhood friend Teà Gardner understood him.

He would go straight home after school and not wanting to hang out with her

Every now and then she would stand up for him against Joey and Tristan for bullying him even though they were just teaching him how to be a man, but she wasn't buying it.

Then she would go over to his house to hang out with him there.

"That was cool what you did at school today Teà, the guys are really afraid of you." Yugi said.

"Yeah well, if I didn't act tough they'll walk all over me like they did to you, you're gonna have to learn to stand up for yourself every now and then." Teà said.

"Yeah you're right, but Joey and Tristan are not that bad." Yugi said.

"You can't be serious, it's saying things like that makes you an easy pray. By the way, what's with that tea pot on your desk?" Teà asked.

"Oh that? My grandpa gave it to me, he said it's a magic lamp, but it doesn't look like it." Yugi said.

"Did he say what to do with it?" Teà asked.

"He once told me the one who rubs the lamp, a magic genie will grant you three true wishes." Yugi said.

"Well, since he gave it to you, you should try rubbing it and see what happens." Teà said.

"You're right." Yugi said as he walked over towards his desk, grabbed the lamp and started rubbing it.

As he was rubbing it, smoke was coming out of the lamp, Yugi got scared and dropped it on the floor.

"What's happening?" Teà asked.

"I don't know, smoke just started coming out of it." Yugi said.

Then the smoke started forming into a magical genie with the same but smiler hair style as Yugi's and crimson red eyes.

"Who had awakened me from my slumber by rubbing the sacred lamp of Egypt?" The genie asked.

His deep dark baritone voice was so hypnotic and sexy, Yugi and Teà became shocked.

"He's so cool!" Teà said as she became amazed by his sexiness.

Then the genie looked down at the two and noticed Yugi didn't say a word.

"So, you're the one who awakened me." The genie said to him.

Yugi nodded his head silently without saying a word.

"I must thank you for that." The genie said.

"For what?" Yugi asked.

"For rubbing the lamp and awakening me and for that, I will grant you three true wishes, anything you wish for, I will grant it for you." The genie said.

"Well Yugi, you're the one who rubbed the lamp, so make a wish." Teà said.

"What should I wish for?" Yugi asked.

"Tell him about the time Joey and Tristan bullied you and couldn't play sports with anybody because you made them lose." Teà said.

"So, these so-called Joey and Tristan were bullying you?" The genie asked.

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