Chapter 22- Brooklyn rage! Enter Joey Wheeler part 1

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At the Naga cafe in the men's locker room...

"So Yugi, I heard you and Yami are dating now." Ryou said.

"You did?" Yugi asked as he was in shock.

"Yeah, and you're for him, how did that happen?" Ryou asked.

"I'll tell you, but you gotta promise me not to tell anyone about this, okay?" Yugi asked.

"I promise." Ryou said.

"Okay, come with me to Yami's office and I'll tell you about it." Yugi said.

"Okay." Ryou said as he and Yugi left the locker room and went to Yami's office, but when they got there, Yami was already there.

"Ah, Yami!" Yugi said.

"Yugi, good thing you're here, I have something for you, come with me." Yami said as he took him to an unknown room, Ryou went with him.

"This will be your new office." He said.

"My new office?" Yugi asked.

"Yes, I want to make you an assistant manager." Yami said.

"But Yami, I haven't been working here long enough to become assistant manager." Yugi said.

"I know, but I have something else for you to do besides waiting tables, taking out the trash, mopping floors, cleaning dishes and cleaning windows." Yami said.

"I appreciate it, but I'm fine with the position I have now." Yugi said.

"Yugi... Ryou, could give us a moment, please?" Yami asked as he saw him standing beside Yugi.

"Yes, of course." Ryou said as he started leaving the office.

"Yugi, I understand you want to work to make ends meet, but I want to make you my partner rather than my employee." Yami said.

"Your partner? But I thought you love me." Yugi said.

"I do love you, but I love for you to be my partner of the Naga cafe." Yami said.

"Yami, you're sounding like you're promoting me and I haven't been working here long enough to get promoted." Yugi said.

Yami walked up to him and hugged him.

"Don't worry, you can still earn your keep here, I just wanted a partner, somebody that I can trust." He said.

"Yami." Yugi said as he felt the worth of his embrace.

Then somebody knocked on the door.

"Excuse me Mr. Sennen, Mr. Akira Fujiyama is on the phone, he said it's  urgent." Donovan said.

"I'll be right there, Yugi come with me." Yami said.

They went back into the office.

"What is it Akira?" Yami asked as he picked up the phone.

"Mr. Sennen, you need to come to the Marriott right away." Akira said.

"What's the matter?" Yami asked.

"One of the guests is dead and we just called the police, they're on the way over here to remove the body." Akira said.

"I'll be right there." Yami said as he hung up the phone.

"Is something wrong Mr. Sennen?" Donovan asked.

"Yes, someone at the Marriott were found dead today and I need to get over there to find out what is going on, have Ryou assist the consumers." Yami said.

"But Mr. Sennen, what about Yugi?" Donovan asked.

"Yugi is promoted assistant to manager of Naga cafe, so if there are any problems, come to him, are we clear?" Yami asked.

"Yes sir." Donovan replied.

"Good, see to that Ryou assist the consumers." Yami said.

"Yes sir." Donovan said as he left the office.

"Yugi, I have to go to the Marriott to deal with a murder mystery and I can't train you right now, I'll send Shadi here to watch over you, so you don't feel alone." Yami said.

"But Yami, I'm not alone now that Ryou is here." Yugi said.

"I know, I just want to protect you, that's why I'm having Shadi coming over here in case if anything happens to me I want him to guard you." Yami said.

"I see, well do want you have to do and be careful." Yugi said.

Yami kissed him on his forehead and left the office, leaving Yugi hoping he will come back safely.

15 minutes later, Shadi came to the Naga cafe and started training Yugi to be an assistant manager by working on the computer.

"Excuse me, Yugi, we have a problem up front." Donovan said.

He and Yugi went up to the front of the cafe with Shadi trailing them from behind.

"Yugi, thank goodness you're." Ryou said as he was punched in the face.

"What seems to be the problem?" Yugi asked.

"These two gentleman are being very rude, they brought in alcohol and tobacco and assaulted Ryou on his first day." Donovan said.

"We want female waiters serving us, not that white haired chump!" The angry man said.

Then Shadi began whispering in Yugi's ear.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you two gentleman to leave." He said he stood up to them.

"What are you gonna do about you spikey headed twerp?" The man said as he walked up to Yugi and was going to grab him by his shirt, until he was stopped by Shadi.

"You shall not harm Mr. Moto!" He said.

"Outta my way freak!" The man said.

"Eh yo! Leave 'em alone or I'll bash ya face in!" The voice said with a New York accent.

"What?!" The man said as he turned around.

"Brooklyn rage!" The voice said as he punched the man in the face.

"Yugi, Shadi, Ryou and Donovan looked at the man and looked at the blonde haired fellow who saved them.

"Joey!" Yugi said surprisingly.

"Aww right, who else wants some?!" He asked.

"You're gonna pay for that you punk!" The other man said as he ran up to him.

Then Joey counter attacked him by punching him in his stomach.

"Unless ya don't wanna butt whooping, don't show ya ugly faces again! Now get the hell outta here!" Joey said.

The two men pissed their pants and ran out of the cafe for their lives.

I'm sorry I have to cut this chapter short, to be continued on chapter 23 of The love Naga master and the pure hearted angel. Holla back!

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