Chapter 7 - Other signs part 2

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Later that afternoon the guards took Yugi to Yami's mansion.

After being left with nowhere to go and no job, Yugi started studying for his exams, and while doing so, he started remembering what Yami said to him yesterday before Naga 16 was set on fire.

Flash back-

"Yugi, I know you have been working for me at my hotel's dining area for three weeks, but now things are going to change from on." Yami said.

"What kind of change you're talking about?" Yugi asked.

"Yugi, I'm going to give you arrays." Yami said.

"Arrays?" Yugi asked.

"Hmm." Yami hummed softly as he nodded.

"But I haven't worked hard enough to earn arrays and how can you call me your friend when you're giving me money?" Yugi asked.

"Like I said, I rather treat you like a friend than an employee." Yami said.

"And I said,I don't accept money from friends, especially that "friend" happens to be my boss." Yugi said.

"I insist on paying you. After all, it is the least I can do." Yami said.

"But you barely know me." Yugi said.

"Rather I'm your friend or your boss, I want to pay you even if I barely know you." Yami said kindly.

Then Yugi started to feel auneasy about accepting money from people, especially when someone is trying to be a friend.

"I'm sorry, but my answer is no." Yugi said as he turned down his offer.

"Are you sure is there anything I can do to change your mind?" Yami asked.

"I'm sure." Yugi said.

"Very well, my offer still stands. I won't force you." Yami said as he started to feel sad.

End flash back-

"I should've accepted his offer, I hope he's not too upset with me, I feel so bad for turning him down, but how can I accept someone's offer when I barely know them?" Yugi asked himself as he thought about Yami's offer while feeling guilty.

As pure hearted as he is, Yugi wouldn't accept money from anybody for anything, especially from a friend.

While being left with no job position at Sennen's Marriott, Yugi thought about another job.

"After school, I'll see If I can work at that cafe that's not too far from the university and if I don't get the job, my opinion is to move back to Domino city and help my grandpa at the game shop." He thought to himself.

That would be his best bet, moving back home to Domino city.

Then he felt a hand touched his shoulder.

"You seem troubled." A voice said to him.

"Huh, Yami!" Yugi said.

"I'm sorry I startled you." He said.

"It's okay, you're home early." Yugi said.

"Yes well, I had a rough day at work." Yami said.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Yugi said.

"Thank you." Yami said.

Then, he noticed the newspaper on the desk.

"Reading the newspaper I see." Yami said as he picked it up.

"Yeah, I was looking for some job sites." Yugi said.

"I see, so you hadn't thought about what I said last night." Yami said.

"Don't take this the wrong way, I know you were being generous, but I don't accept money from friends, especially one who is trying to be my friend. Even if you used to be my boss, you know?" Yugi asked.

"I see, then I understand where you're coming from." Yami said.

"Besides, since I'm going to be living here, I need to find a job, so I can repay you." Yugi said.

"You don't have to repay me, my mansion is your mansion too. Besides, whatever money you give me, I don't want it." Yami said.

"But it's the least I can do. After all, you saved my life." Yugi said.

Yami leaned over towards him and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"I'll be in my office." He said as he turned to leave the room, leaving Yugi in shock as he started asking himself while touching his forehead, "Was that a friendly kiss?"

Meanwhile, somewhere in Tokyo...

"So, did you talk to him?" The man in the suit asked.

"Yes I did." Awai answered.

"And what did he do?" The man in the suit asked.

"He kicked me out of his office. I don't know what else to do anymore, it's been three weeks and he still won't talk to me." Awai said.

"Don't give up hope just yet, there's another way to win back Mr. Sennen's heart." The man in the suit said.

"But how?" Awai said.

He pulled out a picture of Yugi.

"See this picture?" He asked.

"What the...he looks just like Yami." Awai said.

"True, but the resemblance is different. His name is Yugi Moto and he used to work at Sennen's Marriott." The man in the suit said.

"He's cute, so what do you want me to do?" Awai asked.

"I want you to find him and bring him to me and if you do that, Mr. Sennen will be all yours." The man in the suit said.

"I don't get it, what are you planning to do with this boy?" Awai asked.

"You don't need to worry about it, just find him and bring him to me. My best bet for you is to go to Sennen's mansion, that's where he's living now." The man in the suit said.

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