Chapter 27- Welcome to Sennen's Marriott 2: the Egyptian imperial palace

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"I can forget about her and spend time with you." Yami said as he put his hands on Yugi's cheeks and kissed him.

Their kiss became intense as they moved on to the bed.

Yami wants to taste more of Yugi. Or did he...?

''Yugi, I want to show you something tomorrow.'' Yami said.

''You do?'' Yugi asked.

''Yes, also I'm having a talent show at one of my places that I own and that explains why I was singing earlier.

''Really? Are you going to compete in the talent show?'' Yugi asked.

"Yes, you're welcome to join me if you want." Yami said.

"Thanks Yami, but I'm not much of a singer." Yugi said.

"I can teach you." Yami said.

"Really? You can teach me how to sing?" Yugi asked.

"Yes, I can even train you." Yami said.

"I don't know Yami, what if I mess up?" Yugi asked.

"You won't mess up, not while I'm training you." Yami said.

"I was talking about on stage at the talent show." Yugi said.

"You mess up, we'll even sing together." Yami said.

"And when is the talent show?" Yugi asked.

"It's two weeks, so we have from tomorrow to practice." Yami said.

"I see." Yugi said.

"Come on, let's get ready for bed, we have a big day tomorrow." Yami said.

"Okay." Yugi said.

The morning, Yugi was being tutored by Mr. Kawano as usual, while Yami was making a list of things to do with Yugi and showing him where the talent show was being held was one of them.

The moving company came to Yami's mansion to deliver Joey's stuff from his apartment in Domino to Yami's pool house in Tokyo.

"I see you made the whole pool house your own home." Yami said as he walked in the door and saw that Joey decorated the pool house.

"Yeah, I did. Pretty cool huh?" He asked cheerfully.

"Yes, it is pretty cool." Yami said as he agreed with him.

"Where's Yugi? I thought he would be out here with you." Joey said.

"Oh, he's being tutored by Mr. Kawano, he'll be finished soon before we leave to go to the Naga cafe and speaking of the Naga cafe, you should get ready right now." Yami said.

"Ah! Right, you guys are gonna be leaving soon." Joey said as he ran into the bathroom, leaving Yami chuckling.

Later that day, Yami, Yugi, Joey and Shadi went to the Naga cafe.

Immediately, Joey started working while Yugi and Shadi were taking inventory on everything they needed for the cafe just in case they ran out of them.

Shadi was impressed by how hard Yugi was working as the manager, he feared that he was going to need protection, while Yami had his own hands full.

"Mr. Sennen, I must admit, Mr. Moto is working quite hard as a manager, but I fear for his safety while you have your hands full with your own work." Shadi said.

"Which I need someone to protect him in case I'm not here all the time, in case I'm at Sennen's Marriott, I need you here to keep your eyes on him." Yami said.

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