Chapter 10- Yugi's first day at the Naga cafe part 1

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The next day Yugi was looking through the newspaper for a job.

He thought about the cafe and decided to apply for it, then Yami just entered the room.

"Ah, Yami." Yugi said.

"Yugi, are you still looking for a job?" Yami asked.

"Yup, I'm looking for jobs sites on the newspaper and I just thought about the cafe." Yugi said.

"Are you going to apply for it?" Yami asked.

"Yup, I'm going to see if they have any jobs offerings available." Yugi said.

"I see. Well, I'll leave you alone then, if you need me I'll be in my office." Yami said as he was leaving the room.

"Okay." Yugi replied as he saw Yami leave.

Then Yami started walking down the hall towards his office as he thought about Yugi and the cafe he was going to apply for.

"I hope he comes to work at my cafe with me." Yami thought to himself.

Then he left his office and went downstairs as he was heading towards the door to his car, Shadi followed him outside.

"Mr. Sennen, where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh uh, I'm just going to the cafe." He answered.

"By yourself sir?" Shadi asked.

"Yes, why are you asking?" Yami asked.

"Shall I have the bodyguards accompany you?" Shadi asked.

"No, I need some of them to stay here and watch over Yugi and accompany him wherever he goes." Yami said.

"But Mr. Sennen, the Naga cafe is not a place to attract unwanted customers who is looking for a fight, remember what happened last month there was a fight that broke out right outside of the cafe?" Shadi asked.

"That's only because one of the securities wasn't doing their jobs stopping it, so I had to fire him." Yami said.

"That is true, but..." Shadi was cut off.

"And who are you to say that Naga cafe is a place to attract unwanted customers, have you forgotten that I owned Naga cafe?" Yami asked.

"No sir, I have not forgotten." Shadi answered.

"Then how dare you say to me Naga cafe is a place to attract unwanted customers knowing that I owned the place?" Yami said.

"My apologies Mr. Sennen, I was just worried about your safety." Shadi said.

Yami looked at him silently as he got in his car to start his engine and rolled down his window.

"I appreciate your concern, but what happened last month was last month, it's time to move on from that." Yami said.

"Just like you wanted to move on from Ms. Awai?" Shadi asked, causing Yami growl as soon as he said her name.

"I want to move on from her now and forever." He said.

"Mr. Sennen." Shadi said.

"Tell Yugi to come to Naga cafe, I'll be waiting for him." Yami said.

"Yes sir." Shadi replied as he saw Yami drove off, leaving him in deep thought as he looked back at the house.

"I wonder what business Mr. Sennen has with Mr. Moto?" He asked himself.

Speaking of Yugi, he was going to make some calls when Shadi came into the bedroom.

"Mr. Moto, sorry to bother you but Mr. Sennen wants you to come to Naga cafe." He said.

Yugi was shocked, but at the same time he was confused.

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