Chapter 2- The first meeting

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"Take this to table five." The head chef said.

"Yes sir." Yugi said as he took the tray of food.

"Excuse me Mr. Ironheart. I'm sorry to take Yugi from you, but Mr. Sennen wants to see him." The bartender said.

"Who is going to take that tray to table five?" Ironheart asked.

"I will, I'll take it to table five." The bartender said as he volunteered to take Yugi's food tray to table five.

"Very well, go." Ironheart said.

"Come with me Yugi, Mr. Sennen's waiting to see you.

Yugi was feeling a bit nervous, he never met Yami since he started working at the dining area of Sennen's Marriott.

"Mr. Sennen, this is Yugi Moto, the one you asked for." The bartender said.

"Nice to meet you sir." Yugi said as he bowed to him.

"The pleasure is mine." Yami said as he smiled at him.

"I see both of you will get along just fine, now if you would excuse me." The bartender said as he walked away to assist other customers.

Yugi was nervous, in his mind, he never met anybody as cool looking sexy as Yami.

"Well why don't you sit down, don't be shy." He said as he offered him a seat at the bar with a smile.

Yugi blushed when Yami said that as he sat down next to him.

"So, when did you started working in my hotel's dining area?" Yami asked.

"Two weeks ago, this is my third week." Yugi said.

"I see, so you've been working here for three weeks." Yami said.

"That's right." Yugi answered.

"I see, where are you from?" Yami asked as he looked at him for a bit.

"I'm from Domino city." Yugi answered.

"Really?" Yami asked surprisedly.

"Yeah, I used to live with my Grandpa who ran a game shop, it's also a house, so we have games and knick knacks from all over the world." Yugi said.

"Really, games and knick knacks from all over the world?" Yami asked.

"Yup, we even have people come to our store to buy our games." Yugi said.

"Fascinating." Yami said as he was beyond shocked.

Then he called for the bar maid to bring Yugi a glass of red wine.

"Mr. Sennen, I can't drink with you, I'm working." Yugi said.

"It's alright, I won't let you drink too much." Yami said.

"I don't know..." Yugi said nervously.

"It's alright, just trust me." Yami said.

Yugi took the wine glass and drinked some of it.

"Mr. Sennen, what on Earth are you doing?!" The concierge asked as he walked in the dining area and saw him offering Yugi a glass of wine.

"Is something wrong?" Yami asked.

"Yes, he's an employee, he can't drink while working." The concierge said.

"It's alright, I'm allowing him to drink with me." Yami said.

"But he barely knows you, you can't just offer people a drink right out of the blue, it's not right." The concierge protested.

"Are you challenging me?" Yami asked as he raised his eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry sir, but I must pull Yugi away from you so he can get back to work." The concierge said.

"How dare you?!" Yami asked.

"It's okay Mr. Sennen, I've already wasted enough time, so I should get back to work, it was nice to meet you." Yugi said as he left the bar area, leaving what was left of his wine and Yami alone with the concierge.

"Yes, good idea." He said.

"You had no right to do that." Yami said as he became furious.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sennen, but I can't allow you to engage yourself in social activities such as drinking with an employee, especially one of you who happens to work for you in your hotel." The concierge said.

"You dare to tell me what I can or cannot do in my hotel?!" Yami asked angrily.

"I'm sorry sir, but I must forbid you from engaging yourself with Yugi. Why don't you go find Ms. Katami and make up with her?" The concierge asked.

When he asked him that, Yami grabbed Yugi's wine and splashed at the concierge's face.

He looked up and saw his boss completely pissed off.

"Never speak of that name in my present again!" Yami said as he stormed out of the Marriott's dining area, leaving the concierge at loss for words.

The bartender and maid were in shock.

After Yami walked away from the dining area, he went to his office that was above the Marriott, as he tried to get over what Awai did to him three weeks ago, he thought about Yugi.

"Yugi Moto. He has the heart of an Angel." Yami said.

Later that afternoon as the sun set above Tokyo, Yugi was finishing the end of his shift.

"I'll see everyone tomorrow!" He said.

Then he was stopped by the concierge.

"We need to talk." He said.

"Uh, okay." Yugi said as he followed the concierge to his desk.

"Yugi, there's a couple of things we need to get straight. I noticed Mr. Sennen just met you for the first time today, but he can't socialize with you knowing he just barely knows you and you are an employee so you can't socialize with him either." He said.

"But Mr. Sennen is just friendly with me." Yugi said.

But the concierge doesn't agree with him.

"Mr. Sennen is the owner of this Hotel, he is not your friend or anybody else's, so you can't have close contact with him. I'm sorry but that's how it works in Sennen's Marriott and you have been working here for three weeks and the next time would be your last if you were caught seeing Mr. Sennen or being with him, you will be fired. Now get out!" The concierge said coldly.

Yugi walked away without a word, he was rather confused as to the concierge was being harsh to him.

But little does he and the concierge know, Yami was eavesdropping and saw Yugi leave, Yami did not like how the concierge treated him as he balled up fist in anger.

Too pissed off to take action and too pissed off to go home, Yami didn't try to confront the concierge.

Instead, he went back upstairs to his office to look for some information about Yugi and where he lives.

Speaking of Yugi, he just got home to his apartment as he hung his jacket on the coat rack and went into the bathroom to take a shower, while wrapping his brain as to why the concierge was being so harsh to him.

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